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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Calling a license by anything other than its name and stated purpose is something I’d dare to call mislabeling. If CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 decides to add “anti-commercial-AI” then and only then is it not mislabeling. That’s like me calling the US copyrights of the books sitting next to me “anti-bitfucker” licenses. They have nothing to do with you at this point in time so it is misleading for me to claim otherwise.

    While you are correct that lemmy itself does not add a license and many instances do not add a license, it’s not as simple as “the user notifies [you] must abides by [their] licenses.” Jurisdiction matters. The Fediverse host content is pulled from matters. Other myriad factors matter. As you correctly pointed out, there is no precedence for any of this so as I pointed out unless you’re willing to go to court and can prove damages it is actually useless.

  • They’re mislabeling the license too. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 has nothing to do with “anti-commercial-AI.” It provides some terms for using content and, in theory if OP is willing to take someone to court, should provide some basis if the license is being abused. Until there’s actual precedence, though, it’s debatable whether or not sucking up CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 content is a breach of the license. For it to actually matter, someone needs to demonstrably prove 1) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 content was sucked up by AI, 2) it was their content and it was licensed at the time, 3) the terms of the license were violated, and 4) other legal shit that will pop up during the course of the litigation. “Someone” has to be someone with deep fucking pockets willing to go the distance in many international jurisdictions.

  • The issue here is that Canonical pushed the snap install without warning about its reduced functionality. I don’t think highlighting a wildly different experience between a snap install and the Docker experience people are used to from the standard package install is “bashing it just because it’s popular to hate on snap.” For example, if you take a fresh Ubuntu server 22 install and use the snap package, not realizing that snaps have serious limitations which are not explicitly called out when the snap is offered in the installation process, you’re going to be confused unless you already have that knowledge. It also very helpfully masks everything so debugging is incredibly difficult if you are not already aware of the snap limitations.

  • This is really dependent on whether or not you want to interact with mounted volumes. In a production setting, containers are ephemeral and should essentially never be touched. Data is abstracted into stores like a database or object storage. If you’re interacting with mounted volumes, it’s usually through a different layer of abstraction like Kibana reading Elastic indices. In a self-hosted setting, you might be sidestepping dependency hell on a local system by containerizing. Data is often tightly coupled to the local filesystem. It is much easier to match the container user to the desired local user to avoid constant sudo calls.

    I had to check the community before responding. Since we’re talking self-hosted, your advice is largely overkill.

  • Since OP is in the UK, I can pull out “nonplussed.” Current American usage of the word is a lack of surprise or general acceptance. I am nonplussed when news arrives that another politician was caught in a sex scandal. Non-American usage is complete surprise and an inability to act. The Scot was nonplussed when the drunk American vomited noisily on his shoes.

    Edit: I am firmly in the “general acceptance” camp and usually have to process for a second or two when someone uses it in its traditional sense.

  • The big issue here is that the Biden administration is attempting to play by some old rules the Trump administration and current Republicans ignore. Sure. They’re pushing policy. Where’s the daily executive order undoing something or adding something? Where are the test cases constantly being pushed up like the right is doing? Where is the constant rhetoric to combat the vitriol? Where is the tit-for-tat removal of federal support for states fucking with people? Sure, lots of it will get thrown out. Some of it sticks, though, like blocking Garland’s nomination, and then seven years later you have people on the internet saying the Biden administration, doing fuck all novel, is actually trying to make a stand.

  • If you’re telling me I have one choice to avoid tyranny, that’s tyranny. There is no more democracy. The game is over. We lost. Why continue to do the same shit over and over expecting a different result? Why delay the inevitable?

    If I vote Trump, I am supporting fascism. Not going to argue for anyone doing that; no positives in that camp.

    If I vote for Biden, I give explicit support to attacks on labor, a complete lack of response to the attacks on everyone that Trump did, and prop up a party so supportive of our current Gilded Age you can’t talk shitty wealth policy without mentioning Democratic tech worship. War crimes, genocide, and surveillance were issues I’ve had with the party for years and Biden just continued them with a smile.

    If I vote 3rd party, there’s a small chance something positive could happen. Worst case scenario it’s like I didn’t vote at all, but at least I didn’t vote to support fascism or billionaire ownership of common resources.

    I have this debate a lot. If there’s only one choice in a two-party system, we don’t have a choice or a democracy. Call me all the names you want; I won’t vote for someone that thinks the way that Biden or Trump does about labor or foreign relations.

  • Oh really? What has Biden done to reverse any of the Trump policies? What laws have been enacted that enshrine protections? What is Biden doing to prevent the removal of said groups from schools and the stripping of their protections? What is his party doing to support and protect?

    You’re so focused on the vitriol from one side you’re ignoring the complacency and damn near explicit support from the other side. Just because one side doesn’t say mean things doesn’t mean they don’t allow bad shit to happen.