Hello, tone-policing genocide-defender and/or carnist 👋

Instead of being mad about words, maybe you should think about why the words bother you more than the injustice they describe.

Have a day!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • They legitimized the border “crisis” to average voters, and then demonstrated that Trump, who doesn’t even currently hold office and didn’t want it to pass (to make Biden look bad), was more capable of getting people to act the way that he wanted his party to.

    That may have made the Republicans look petty to anyone that’s paying attention, but it had the much more negative drawback of laundering a far-right narrative and showing that the other guy actually has more command over the fake “crisis” to average voters.

    Democrats need to learn that capitulating to right-wing narratives, even if doing so disingenuously to own the repugs in some 4-D chess strategy, doesn’t work.

  • Thanks for confirming that you’re a proud genocide defender.

    I guess we’ll see how doing nothing but defending genocide until the general elections turns out. Surely it’ll have a better outcome than acknowledging the fact that enabling genocide (and thereby, doing genocide) is not acceptable and having Biden change course on that. I’m not confident that defending genocide will win people that are anti-genocide or otherwise apathetic to voting over.