Toothbrushing when taking a showwr, and using two bars of soap yo wash myself akimbo style.
Bluetooth themometer for food so i can jusy stick it in and wait till its right and done, no more constantly checking.
Robot vaccum has saved me a lot of time vaccuming.
Airfryer has significanrly cut down my time cooking too.
Printers i swear all of them hate me. I love it, but just cant deal with printers.
Ive always wanted to study microbiology and try to use it to cure viruses. Dont know why, it just seems so interesting how weird things like cells are and how viruses go through their cycle and how it affects living things. Who knows, maybe in abother life.
Are you playing the original KOTOR or the remakes by Aspyr? They redid them so that they no longer crash on start and you don’t need to change or add patches.
It’s available on mac, switch, android and iOS. Apparently a new remake is still possibly coming soon too.
For me it’s getting people to play KOTOR, I know it’s old but it’s just sooo good and the story is so great, and please just play it. Pretty please.
Well I eat quite unhealthy, so I’m thinking I’ll probably die earlier then most. Sooo I guess I got that going for me.
oh I might be able to help you… with a song about thrift! when you get a penny from a chum, don’t just spend it on bubblegum. Put in your cap, put it in your cap
Grimes: you’ve… been to out of space? You??
Homer: sureee, you’ve never been?
This was just sooo good. Feels bad that Grimes just dealt a bad hand in life.
Take the day off work. Knowing that I can just be under the bed covers and I don’t have to even hear about a work issue.
There’s a lot of different views, many with some truths to it. I’ll try to give an answer but please take into account my answer is quite bias too.
The question, unlike the title of the article, the actual vote is on
whether the Constitution should be changed to include a recognition of the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
The problem is, how exactly or what exactly is an Aboriginal/Torres strait Islander voice. It’s not like Australia is voting to not give these groups voting rights like many articles seem to suggest.
It’s about what does this voice mean, do they have the power over government, can they stop laws, does it even help, whose even in it?
And there is no answer real answer, most answers I see are “it’s about creating a voice” or “we want to see Aus support before putting into action” etc (this may have changed later but that was the initial info I was getting), so you basically asked the Australian people to vote into changing the consitution on a potential something? Which for many feels like a permanent change or an unknown thing.
So all the no side had to do was be like “oh if you don’t know, then best to err on the safe side and vote no”. “Who knows what this could do”. “You can always wait and change it later”.
Imo the votes would have been very different if it instead just asked “would you like to see an Aboriginal / Torres strait Islander voice in government” and not touched the constitution. Or if they just made the voice/team/group and showed Aus how helpful it was before asking them to change the consitution.
And (I’m prob showing more bias here) if the yes side didn’t just call everyone racist who looked at the no vote (which I believe many are swing voters), it couldve provided enough time/listening to make changes to the argument that would change the voters. For example if they made it clear that it would just be used to support better decision making and help understanding etc. Though I can’t be too harsh when many of the no side arguments felt objectively like lies.
Honestly hard question because essentially you want a game that would be worse now. Something that playing now would tranish it then make it better even with updated graphics/movement. Or something you know the company would take a direction which would make it negative.
Something like redoing the original Super Mario 1, 2 and 3. Where the updated graphics and changes to game play takes away from the original pixel feel. As I feel Nintendo would probably use modern day Mario design.
or mass effects removal of zoooming in on mirandas butt
Yes, that’s why we should always call it out in all forms about how any person of authority can extort people and the importance in ensuring it doesn’t happen.
Jeezus, that almost seems evil. “Give us your data or we’ll clog your front page with the click baitiest, cancer inducing content we have”.
Wow thats a shame. I imagine there is so many cutural and historical languages there, it would be sad if they were lost to history.
i always thought so too! Dont know if im remembeting right, but as a kid I visited the phillipines and bored waiting for my parents this security guard sshowed us a ccoin with a hole in it. He put the middle of a candy wrapper through it and tied it so it looked like a shuttlecock and the coin weighed it down. And we used it to play hackeysack.
always loved coins with holes in them since then.
Wait, if I switch it off, will it stop me getting recommendations for shorts? Id totally do it then. Tbh ive told myself this year tostop mindless scrolling so its good to hear youre feeling more deliberate.
Theres a few answrs to this