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Cake day: October 19th, 2023

  • Oh you do that, Biden. And Netanyahu, being profoundly interested in our point of view and well known for being open minded, will surely sit down and listen respectively and take your comments into account.

    Netanyahu has one characteristic; it is self-serving and that means a total bloodbath for sport. It will never change its programming. But you just go ahead and try to get this filthy piece of stinking scum to recognize it’s own fatal flaw. That will the day. That will certainly be the great day we all so fucking richly hope for.

  • Sure, they demand change. And I would like to see a flying pig with purple and gold spots. We can all soothe ourselves with magical thinking that, somehow, all of a sudden, people will become humane, smart, caring and worthwhile.

    I’ve been alive 7 decades and have seen 7 decades of war in the mid-East, of people hating police, of police brutality, of crime, of degeneracy, of hyped-up shit-brained plutocrats thinking they are the saviors of mankind, of protests, and hate and war mongering and sickness.

    Nothing will change. The only outcome, to any of this, under any circumstances, is an all-out nuclear war, which if we are lucky will come sooner than later. Sweet oblivion. Total eradication of human filth - that is the only possible and hopeful course for the future of this planet.

  • There was no chance Putin wouldn’t stay in office, more’s the pity as it says all that needs be said about why mankind is unreedemable and unworthy of any sort of salvation. Humanity is a cesspool, and Putin is just one of many pieces of feces that swirl around thinking it is better than the rest of the stinking filth swirling around it.

    Why can’t we just have the nuclear war we were meant to have by now? Why is it taking so long for us to hit those buttons and get this nasty shit over with once and for all? It’s the only outcome that will ever be possible, why are we prolonging it??

  • Why hasn’t anyone shot that nazi Chaya Ratshit and her horrible kids to death, is what I’m wondering. What does it take to get people to see just how real and gruesome a threat she truly is to all people in this world. How much more do you people intend to take of shitheads like this, who kneel on your collective necks and call you vermin and “unchristian” for not being as sick and filthy as they are.

    We are all responsible for allowing such filth as her to continue. It’s up to us to make sure she does not. I only want to hear from others who are of the same mindset as myself about this.

  • How sad for us all on earth that a piece of walking excrement calling itself “trump” can even be allowed to walk among us, let alone run for a public office in this country. What a condemnation of all humans everywhere - what a total admission of the true filth we have all turned into.

    If there were a decent person still living on earth, trump would not be. That we all just sit here and watch this grotesque and ineffably horrifying tragedy unfold, is a sick indictment of all humanity indeed.

  • I hate to say it but your dad is an old school uneducated bigot. And has no right to talk to you about any of this. You cannot expect someone without morality to love you as you deserve to be loved.

    Sorry to be so blunt, but it must be stated out in the open. Nothing makes me angrier than parents thinking they have some god-given right to control their kids’ sexuality. Nothing is further from the truth.

    I live in Utah not by choice, but circumstance. And frankly, I feel bad for you having to live in Tennessee, another state I consider an open sewer of immoral bigotry.

    If it is true that “the Lord is coming,” all these so-called Christian haters should be the ones repenting. They are the ones who will burn in hell. Not us, my friend; I guarantee you that. It was never us who were in the wrong.

    Jesus if he were ever real would hate these so called christian filth mongers and their homophobia. And he would never allow them any access to salvation; they’ve already committed the most unforgivable sin of not loving their fellow man, the worst possible sin.

  • I saw it myself on televised cameras. There was nothing “alleged” about the disgusting and utterly degrading assault of America than happened on January 6th, conducted by the lowest forms of vermin on earth. I saw it myself - it did happen.

    And furthermore, any human being who casts a vote for an excremental piece of criminal vermin like trump should be considered dangerously ill and NEEDS to be stripped of their American citizenship and their voting privileges. Society cannot afford to have sick cretins running around loose. Lock them up, or at least build gas chambers to get rid of them all for good so we can move on from this horror.

  • I have to endure living in Utah with this filthy excremental cretin named Cox. He’s such a two-faced conservative bastard. He’s become much less human over time, and more the puppet of the evil right wing morons in our legislature. He recently declared diversity and equity to be “the worst forms of human evil,” and he himself signed into law a bill that prevents trans people from using bathrooms in public buildings.

    How despicable a person he is, what a sick piece of filth he is - the last so called “human” who should be telling people they need to feel “less bitterness and get along better.” He is as disingenuous as he is uneducated, and he fights against Biden every chance he gets. He is a complete piece of dogshit.

  • Well I’m glad you made it out of your family situation, I know so many gay people in Utah who have been through that. And it’s sad to see families “disown” their own children, which strikes me as the most un-christian thing anyone could ever do.

    Sadly Utah’s fearful right-wing legislators are doing everything they can to march us back into the dark ages. This current legislative session alone, they passed a bill forbidding trans people to use public bathrooms (And I mean, there’s like possibly two trans people in the state!) and requiring all schools to remove any books about sexuality from schools.

    And the new bill being signed is to demand that the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public schools. And here I had the bizarre idea that church and state were supposed to be separate…how naive of me.

  • I love that, at least there’s a few of us good weirdoes in the world on the far far left.

    In Utah the so called “christians” (i.e. hypocritical monsters) are trying their best to eradicate LGBTQ completely, pulling all books that mention such an “abomination” off school shelves, and now disallowing any mention of such things in public.

    So I wrote to the legislatures asking them to come clean and admit the reason they don’t care that Utah has the highest teen suicide rate in the nation is because so many of the teens who commit suicide are LGBTQ.

    Of course they never responded, and the silence was deafening. I obviously said something truthful.

    I’m a Taurus, so I fiercely protect everyone I care about, to the point of hurting others in any way I have to. And often the truth does hurt them and expose them for who these monsters really are.

  • I totally get that and don’t get me wrong, I’m all for freedom of reproductive choice to the max. I’m so far left and liberal, I actually scare people who are liberal and find my ideas even too radical for them. I agree that the “crusty old bastards” are so removed from the reality of what women go through that they are the LAST people who should be making laws about their bodies.

    And I totally agree that the IVF debate seems like more Christian nonsense and stupidity, which is why I simply can’t give them any kind of victory here. They are not just cunts, they’re abysmal monsters that should be wiped off the earth, in my view.

    And you’re right, the real issue is these conservative twits want to take over the world and control everyone and everything. And that’s something I just won’t let them have. I refuse to be riled up into a froth over this IVF debacle, because it’s such a ridiculous ruling in the first place.

    But dont’ get wrong, I totally feel horrible for the women affected by it. And I stand by them no matter what. And if it means illegal IFV has to happen, I would totally support that. Like you, I’m a pisser into the Cheerios bowl of the christian right wing every chance I can get!!

    I recent sent a scathing letter about Utah’s hateful anti-trans bills this session, and the paper nearly refused to publish it - but surprisingly, they finally did. And it caused a lot of conservative bigotry to come out in the open. And I love getting under their skin!!!

  • Yeah I wouldn’t live in Alabama or Kentucky or Texas if I were paid to. I already have it bad enough living in baboon-ass red UTAH. I hate it here, but I’m a caretaker for an elderly parent and forced to live here at the moment. Still - I do what I can to annoy the legislative body.

    I keep writing very acid letters to the editor about the idiots who run our state and the conservitard shitheads who believe their religious nutjobbery supercedes everyone else’s right to exist.

    What I don’t get though, is why should I be riled up about this “embryos are children” thing. I mean, the media is making it sound like we on the left and liberal side of things should be outraged. But i’m not at all. The whole reason I’m so pro-abortion is that I believe people shouldnt’ have as many kids as they do, especiallyy here in Utah were child abuse is the #1 hobby.

    So IVF becomes even more restrictive. Frankly, that aligns perfectly with my goals and ideals. I do feel bad for people really wanting IVF, but if it means LESS kids in the world, I can’t be unhappy about it.