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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I’m also a software engineer (at least in title). I agree with the social skills but a different thing came to mind. The ability to actually watch and understand what people are trying to do. I’m lucky as all my software is internal to my company. I don’t make what we sell, I make what tests the products we sell. And yes I test the tests and also test the test’s tests 😭.

    I’ll give an example. I have an operation where the operator is to scan a number off a paper before testing. That number is for traceability we need to know which test results are for which unit. Previous engineer said since it’s scanned off the unit it will never be incorrect as long on the printed barcode is correct(separately validated) so no need to verify format.

    I ran into an issue where units had an extra zero either before or after the number. So if number was 12345 sometimes it would be 012345 or 123450.

    I went to watch the process. The operator scanned the unit( I watched them work all day, this was 1 unit out of a whole days work) and when they put the scanner down the scanner’s corner was on the 0 button of the keypad.

    We did a 2 phase remiduation. Stage 1. Operator instructed to log in and then place keyboard on shelf away from workplace. Stage 2. Verify the number is in correct format in code. Yes the code update is simple but in our field needs weeks of work to test, validate, and release.

    Actually watching the operator closely identified the problem. The code was not the issue, the code passed all requirements and tests. The issue was the tests and requirements did not match the user’s experience but if I stayed in my cube as for weeks I would not of been able to find the bug.

  • I’ve done some gcode but moved onto other programming(mostly c# so completely different. One thing I HATED about gcode, I don’t know if it was just my machines or gcode in general(most of mine were based on fanuc cnc controllers typically seen as top of the line) , we were not able to name variables.

    I create a variable and assign it #315. What does #315 do? What does it mean? Who knows… Better have notes or comments to explain or your fucked. I can’t say variable x_offset_tool_15 nope…just #315.

  • I’m not a lawyer but my understanding is that determination comes down to 3 points.

    1. An employee uses company tools and materials. A contractor supplies there own. If Amazon supplies a truck I think this would lean towards employee.

    2. A employee has set working hours. A contractor sets there own hours. I think this leans more on contract cause I thought the point of flex was you make your own hours.

    3. An employee can only work for one company at a time. I don’t mean you can’t have 2 jobs but you only can do one at a time. Like you can’t be a doctor at one hospital and then also be a doctor at another hospital that is competitive. I don’t know Amazon’s policy on this. Are you allowed to be both Amazon flex and work for like UPS?

  • I didn’t but a former supervisor of mine did. He was a good leader and manager.

    My company gives a discount on health insurance if you have a yearly physical and answer a survey. They bring in a company, setup in a large room, you make an appointment, go to the room they do a physical and you get a discount the next year.

    One year my appointment was right after my boss. They drew blood, tested it and the nurse said “that can’t be right”, she did it a second time the called over another nurse. Second nurse said “that’s not possible, you must of done something wrong” and did a third test. After that they call over the doctor who wanted to retest but they said they already tested him 3 times. HR was brought in and he was basically told to go to a doctor the next day and not to return to work till he was seen by a doctor.

    He went to the doctor and when he came back to work asked to be removed from supervisor and put on the line as a regular worker.

    His doctor basically told him the stress from the job was killing him, he could either have the job or keep living. He choose life and asked to be demoted.

  • Yup, I used to love that magazine. There’s also the stuffed bears on the telephone poles. Again on rt 23 there is I think about a 5 mile long stretch with stuffed teddy bears on the top of all the telephone poles. Snow, thunderstorms whatever causes them to fall in a day or two they are put back.

    Once a car ran into one of the poles, they had to replace the pole and 2days later there was a new teddy bear on top of the pole.

  • I’m from new jersey too but the northern part(Sussex county). Most of the stuff I heard was more weird things than actual folklore.

    For example there was the toilet in the woods. Off of rt 23 if you pull over at a specific spot in the middle of no where, walk about 1/2 a mile into the woods there was a toilet. No outhouse or Porta potty. Just a toilet out in the woods. Weird thing is it had to be connected to a water source and sewer because it worked, you could flush it and everything.

    There was also the pyramids off Clinton road. Just square based pyramids made of brick in the woods, no idea why they are there or what there purpose is/was. There was also stories of kkk on Clinton road so if you saw a car with a headlight out and you flashed your lights to alert them they would chase you and run you off the road(pretty sure this was just stupid highschoolers being bored and assholes).