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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Facism-light. As in Right with authoritarian tendencies who are in bed with the corporations. The Democrats are not Nazis, there just don’t mind them.

    I am against assault of any kind, Our biggest concern should be fixing the damn ecosystems of our planet. Everything else is a distraction. The economy can be worth wadever people believe it is but its not worth nothing if we go extinct.

    Even in Europe some progressive parties are shifting to the right and social healthcare is getting eroded.

    I get that we can’t just all stop going to work cause i am still being a cog in the machine that destroys itself myself but holy fuck can we got someone good in charge?

  • The biggest tell is how people who identify as left all hete Bidden.

    Theres a famous comment by nixons right hand on the war on drugs. They wanted to get rid of the

    “anti-war left”

    The same anti war left is currently involved in global protests against the genocide in Palestine. That phenomenon is not just the US, Its was not reported in any news i saw but i know off at least one more then a week long building getting occupied in a university in europe.

    The Bidden administration has very recently low key responded to these protest by changing the definition of antisemitism to interpret the state of Israel as a jewish collective. Therefor any critics of the state of Israel becomes a crime.

    Where are the laws they did they enact when nazis where marching the streets and cultists stormed a government building? Yes some are jailed after a long time, its similar to the pride flags. The occasional token bone to pretend to card.

    Theres the general the unwielding support for the genecide. Bombing civilian tents with us weapons did not cross any red lines to continue to provide so.

    Is it a coincidence that the victims are all muslim? As a lefty i preach tolerance. Also for the existence off dumb religions overseas that may not be so tolerant of my freedom in person.

    Also right leaning:

    • pro corporate, America is a capitalist country but business with the same right as people is the opposite of woke.

    • war on drugs still very much exists

    • still no social healthcare like basically every other western nation.

    I get its often not as simple as flick a switch to solve issues and many issues are systematically grown. But people have been yelling Bidden to use some of that presidential power and him doing it now to restrict asylum which is also a right leaning thing to do is a cherry on top of all the lies.

    People should still vote and the most left you can vote is D but i am really hopping that once the threat of Trump is gone there becomes some room to roast them in a national protest.

  • Start getting into self hosting, you dont need all that expensive hardware. An old laptop can get you started.

    Heres some stuff you can do.

    Fix youtube:

    A script (with yt-dl) on a schedule checks a list of channels to download x amount latests videos from their channel.

    Fix Television Streaming:

    Jellyfin allows you to stream your own content regardless where you sourced it. I output the youtube videos from above in it

    Fix Music Stream

    Ive setup Navidrone to stream my music library. Previously i only ever played locally stored music but storage space limits forced me to look beyond and its been working well

    Fix Cloud computing

    Get full control and ownership of your data so it cant be exploited behind your back. Nextcloud is well documented on how to setup your own cloud system including office apps, calendars.

    Fix personal online communication.

    Signal appears to be one of the only ones competent to so it right.

    In general on the web:

    • Always ublock origin, I’ve yet to see a better one and i flat-out wont use the desktop web without.

    • Use bookmarks for sites you visit regularly rather then giving search engine the extra traffic every time. This sounds super mild but its actually a focus lifehack. You dont need 90% of the shit your being distracted with.

    Most people only need a handful of urls for a few functions. For me half of those are selfhosted and those that arent are in someway selected and configured for personal least hassle least shit experience. Ever since I bookmarked Wikipedia and wolfram i’ve used them more to get answers than conventional search engines.

  • “Real man wear diapers”

    Which is why i pretty much only see women posing with diapers…

    So these guys are standing next to diaper pride but at the same time lack the bollocks to don one themselves on camera?

    I would ask if were sure this isnt insider trolling from the left but i love this to much to give them an incentive to stop doing this.

  • webghost0101@sopuli.xyztoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDid the year zero never exist ?
    3 months ago

    Can i state the obvious reflect on if this question even makes sense?

    We are currently the 2024 year since we began counting and probably didn’t do so from day 1. Instead we took a significant cultural event and marked it the beginning. Adapting any initial time keeping to it.

    We centered the beginning of this count on the life of someone who we cant proof ever existed. Great start.

    we have likely been tracking sun cycles from much before but we cant exactly call our time keeping records reliable scientific measurements. Different civilizations and cultures had different ideas, may dispute data and eventually all had to make way for the teaching of the church.

    There is no year 0, the calendar is a construct of time But doesn’t keep nor measure it.

  • Highly agree because thats not what i am saying we should do. I am very aware of the paradox of intolerance, that we should be intolerant of intolerance.

    I actually had to very conversation yesterday and i think i even mixed them up at some point, here is comment of mine from the other explanation where i think I articulated my opinion better.

    “an individual forum shouldn’t carry the responsible to protect all human rights on that forum. But as an anarchist i object to the authority of a centralized state so i cant see it their job either.

    In my ideals humanity is a collective of people and all of us carry the responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing of all people, as a collective. People who have been at the rejected end of continued intolerance know how damaging it can be for ones health.

    Currently i dont know any true safe online spaces for the world most misguided or seriously ill people. So where can these people go? Social isolation is an echo chamber of their own mind.

    Lemmy.ml doesnt need a nazi community but as - moral global human collective we should at least maintain lists of resources to help those struggling (with morality). A simple “we dont allow this here but here is a list of resources” ranging from social media to mental heath providers, or better social media monitored by non authoritative mental health providers. “

  • To be fair, i too would argue that even horrible people with sick midset should have a safe accessible digital space to talk in and i align with antifa anarchist radical far left progressives.

    The wrong and sick opinions in their thought remain opinions and therefor are a protected human right.

    By providing at least a safe space were biggots can be biggots we keep them away from other communities.

    It allows us to create a window so we can look ourselves and try to understand why they think the way they think. So we can eventually learn how to help them with their mental illnesses. Only when an individual rights are broken or planned to be broken (doxxing, sharing someones pics without consent) are we right to intervene. For generic hate speech? If no visitor consider it offensive is it still offensive? (yes if it leaks, otherwise its no different from a racist family over dinner)

    In the end Fascism isnt a problem we can solve by just not allowing it, its not even the problem We need to solve but a symptom of a toxic psychology, these people will always find a way. Its the same for drug use and other criminal acts. There will always be back channels or alt communities to provide for them, the more oppressive we try to ban them the more secretive and the more fuel wel give to there extremes.

  • webghost0101@sopuli.xyztoAntiwork@lemmy.mlI sure as hell don't.
    10 months ago

    Thats why we should adhere to the principles of public ownership of land. Which used to be the case dating back to prehistoric mines shared between different factions and groups.

    Examples of this are all over in the past and some rural communities but all because some powerful duts decided that human kind is inherently selfish and everyone would automatically overuse the land breaking the system. The example given is a farmer who increasingly claims a bigger part of a field to get a bigger flock of sheep or orchards.

    All of it completely ignores that companies sucking the planets resources dry to the bone for profit while a farmer in a rural community has no need to increase flock if not to make profit. Proper use of public land is in the interest of everyone.