Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I have never owned a laptop. I was given an old Chromebook to tinker with, but it’s so old and incredibly slow that it’s just not easy to deal with.

    I was handed a laptop that has some issues including a "sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t"keyboard and mostly fried GPU to the point where there are tons of tiny pink artifacts all over the screen. It technically still works, but hurts to look at. I was told it was mine, but other than some prodding to see what the issue was, (pretty sure there’s a bunch of dust caked in the GPU fan) I haven’t used it. So I guess I do actually own one, but I’ve only touched one a very few times ever.

    I finished high school before dial up was completely out of style, and have only been exposed to “broadband” since college. (All 768Kbit of it)

    I went to an in town college and mostly did my work on the gaming rig I built as my first computer, using their lab to print papers.

    Laptops were sort of common, but still somewhat luxury at the time. Kinda like iPhones were at first. Lots of people already had a phone, but the “fancy” one was the status symbol even more than it is now.

    Since then I’ve been rebuilding desktops ever since. I’ve had I think about 4 different cases now, each being upgraded with different parts a few times before moving on to the next as it fell apart. Some of my old machine parts are still in my parents’ computer now. At least I think it is. That machine has changed a few times too and I haven’t kept track because who cares.

    So I’m right in the sweet spot of when phones became capable of laptop-like stuff, just as always having a computer available became more and more necessary. So since most people do most of their laptop stuff during school, and I never had a job that handed out company computers, I’ve just never really needed one.

    I kinda wanna get one at some point, if for no other reason than to see the day to day of owning one and taking it places. But it’s just a curiosity at the moment.

    I’m totally anti Windows now (recently as of building my most recent rig a few months ago), so I would have to pay attention to which one I get because I know there can be compatibility issues with them. I know there’s stuff like the Tuxedo brand which are all Linux all the time machines, but I don’t want to limit my choices, so research would be necessary for all that.

    I just moved my parents off Windows (their machine was really struggling as it was assembled when Win was new) because I knew they wouldn’t be paying for extended security patches.

    I type too much and I’m already past answering this lmao

  • She is stuck on that side. If she knows some kind of news or information is not sanctioned by Fox News she automatically either avoids listening to it in the first place, or discounts it immediately. Even on just local news (and this is a very conservative area, at least this half of the state) if they say something about gay people, or just mention a gay event and if they don’t immediately say something negative about it, she just rolls her eyes.

    Even with a TV show she likes, if gay characters do a gay thing (omg 2 dudes kissing!) she will literally make the noise… Umm what is the word for it… Retching, I think? Whatever the barf noise is called. She will literally make that noise and look away from the screen.

    There is nothing rational about this kind of behavior, you can’t win this argument. The chess board is already on the floor here.

    So I don’t know anything about that documentary, but if she has any reason to think it’s not sponsored by Fox News, it’s literally just fiction at best and “Communist Marxist propaganda” at worst.

  • Too relatable.

    I made an account to browse neighborhood news. If someone loses a cat or dog, I do want to be on the lookout. Haven’t added a single friend there. I’m just there to observe and potentially help save a pet. But it’s very “boomer” there, and in my experience (having lived here my whole life) every boomer is a Trump fan until proven otherwise. Every boomer goes to church every Sunday. They’re all the literal stereotype, and almost half are the same person as the ones you see interviewed at rallies by liberal-leaning journalists.

  • I can hear my mom yelling about it now. Funny how she was mostly ignorant about here existence until Fox News started complaining about her and now she hates her guts. Always liked watching the super bowl until this mess and now she’s “maybe I don’t bother”.

    But if I poke her about it she turns into “I am not just parroting them. You need to stop reading CNN and all those brainwashed sources.”

    It’s so close to realizing, but won’t cross the line. I have read about 2 articles from CNN in my entire life. The entire news industry hates maga now. It’s pretty much just FN, Newsmax, and the absolute far end of the spectrum of hate preachers and Alex Jones that say anything close to what you want to hear, as far as I can see.

    Yeah if the entire world can agree on something, but my preferred group is the holdout, I think I would re-examine my view. It’s just mind boggling that just one huge mainstream network says stuff that all the others disagree with, and that’s the one you are just so sure it’s right about everything.

  • It was X-Men Apocalypse.

    I was working in a call center at the time, and there were tvs around the room on mute with closed captions that we could look at in between being on a call. I actually didn’t work in a department that took calls at the time, so I would watch entire shows like this sometimes.

    Anyway, the trailer for this movie came on during a commercial break, and there was one scene (I forget the exact quote- I might have to check YouTube for it now, but you’ll see it if you look it up) that was taking about the four horsemen, and mentioned that Christianity wasn’t the first to use that metaphor, but that it has been used by a bunch of religions and people groups before.

    So that threw me for a loop and made me start wondering. And once I figured out that one thing I always heard specifically about the belief was wrong, it made me wonder what else was wrong.

    So once I stopped taking everything for granted as just being true because “the Bible says it is” and started looking at it honestly, it quickly turned into realizing that it was all bullshit. As soon as you stop assuming it’s all completely true no matter what the evidence said, and actually take reality into account (for anyone that didn’t grow up as a believer this sounds totally insane, but that’s really how it be), a lot of things snap into focus.

    I had a roommate I completely disagreed with at the time, but I started taking him a lot more seriously after that. Turns out he wasn’t crazy, I was.

    And that’s the short version. I don’t recall enough specifics to really make a long version, but you get the idea.

    Edit- typos

    Also The line was from this trailer, about 1:20 in