you’re high on mushrooms in the Viking age, the gods are everywhere

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2024


  • None of the known risks or side effects include cognitive impairment, you are attributing to puberty blockers changes to cognitive development without research demonstrating the causal link between limiting puberty hormones and decreased or slowed cognitive development like the known negative effects. I also wouldn’t accept increased cognitive development as a positive effect under puberty blockers without justification either. Until there is sufficient justification for either position we are not justified reaching either conclusion.

    I am concerned there is and will be increased public resistance to what the medical consensus supports because of the political scapegoating trans people are under, and wonder if we were talking about transhumanism in general instead focused specifically on transgenderism would the resistance be the same.

    The discussions you’ve mentioned would likely start with a child experiencing distress reported to an adult or their parents noticing their distress and working with a medical doctor to identify the causes and treatment plans to consider. In the cases where the distress is related to a lasting pattern of gender dysphoria or gender nonconformity that is one of the criteria for prescribing puberty blockers.

  • If puberty blockers inhibit hormones and hormones are responsible for the development of our brains and identity:

    I’m going to need a source that puberty blockers have negative effects on cognitive development to accept that if. If puberty related hormones were necessary to consider someone an adult then people who are missing those hormones or puberty by mutation, disease, etc wouldn’t be considered adults which is not the case.

    how is hitting pause allowing for an informed decision?

    It prevents the acute release of puberty related hormones until they are old enough to be considered an adult under the law and able to make decisions about what they do or don’t consent to. The informed decision to prevent permanent changes by taking puberty blockers is made by a medical professional with parental or guardian consent to allow the child to mentally mature and make their own choice about taking hormones. One literary review notes the following positive and negative effects: "Positive outcomes were decreased suicidality in adulthood, improved affect and psychological functioning, and improved social life. Adverse factors associated with use were changes in body composition, slow growth, decreased height velocity, decreased bone turnover, cost of drugs, and lack of insurance coverage. "

  • Crime rates dropping in US, multiple companies working with NASA for ISS access, direct observation of gravitational waves, left reddit for Lemmy, multiple COVID vaccines in like a year from outbreak, more usage of renewable energy sources, etc. There are some obvious problems we need to get together and address as communities, countries, and species, but there are a bunch of improvements and advancements being made too.

  • Nobody should treat a household member or child the way the bible describes slaves should be kept, whether they use the actual word slave in the original translation they are describing how to own people you can beat as long as they don’t die within a couple days. They are talking about the allowed treatment for when you keep non-hebrew slaves, you don’t have to excuse it saying they were treated well because this is describing how they should be and were treated.

    Edit: Of course I’m looking through it with a lens of modern ethics, but one of the selling points of religion is a dogma that never has to change because they know absolute morality from prophetic futures and can tell what is going to happen except apparently when it doesn’t

  • Exodus 21 20-21: 20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.”

    Sounds like property you can beat as long as they don’t die within a day or two, nobody should treat anyone that way that’s horrific.

    Substitutionary atonement is the whole gospel story. Jesus sacrifices his life to atone for Adam’s original sin of eating the apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that somehow infected the rest of humanity. Even if you believed it were true you shouldn’t place the punishment for crimes of ancestors or parents on their children, that’s fucked up.

  • If you’re actually asking how to reach people about a delusional belief they hold it seems often if you try to show them evidence that directly contradicts their belief, argue reasonably, etc they will often become more entrenched in a defiant ‘you can’t teach me anything’ stance to protect their perceived self identity from unwarranted attacks. You have to demonstrate the warrant first.

    A possibly more effective method seems to be temporarily accepting their proposed perspective, and asking skeptical questions to reduce their confidence in the delusion. Providing the questions to work it out themselves instead of forcing the conclusion. I haven’t read it yet but I’ve seen recommended as a study on cults and breaking their indoctrination & control tactics but I’m open to more contemporary recommendations if anyone has them.