Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Now I’m not telling anyone to do anything… but nobody has ever had a baby by pounding your best bro in the ass while you stroke him off. Same with your gal pals. Make it a competitive event! Learn new things and create memories you can cherish for a lifetime as you scream louder and louder with every shaking orgasm, in sync with the boys.

    Just something to think about the next time you get frisky.

    (tomorrow’s headline: “popularity of gay sex spikes 9700% overnight thanks to republicans”)

  • I just moved my home assistant docker container to a new-to-me Xeon system. It also runs a couple basically idle tasks/containers, so I threw BOINC at it to put it to good use. All wrapped up with Debian 12 on proxmox…

    (I needed USB support for zigbee in ha, and synology yanked driver support from dsm with the latest major version, so ‘let’s just use the new machine’…)

  • Ah - I actually moved away from Memos (I just wasn’t using it and it was taking resources for no benefit) so I can’t actually directly help, buuuuuut I want to be optimistic and assume that the ‘feature’ was removed given the page 404ing.

    You could use something like NextDNS (or any other DNS solutions that offer logging, I just use ND on my network), set up as the server’s DNS provider, and see if the domain (above) shows up in the logs after a couple days. Though if you’re running other software alongside it, then it might not be from Memos, which can lead you down a ‘disable, wait, check, repeat’ rabbit hole. But that’s how I would do it, myself.

    Sorry I don’t have a quick and easy solution for you :(

  • (this reads like a rant but it’s a message of remembrance and reflection)

    Rose-colored glasses? I remember my realization in the 90s and being in the closet for the entire 00s. Me and other queer peers were terrified of our own family, openly being mocked in school by students and faculty, I have friends that have attempted suicide more times than I have fingers per person. You should not know the ER staff on a first-name basis. Friends who didn’t reveal they were trans until they were in their 30s and separated from anyone but their closest, most trusted friends. Friends who still, after years of therapy, are still suffering from depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. And this spreads wide with the people I grew up with. It’d actually genuinely be difficult to think of someone in my extended social circle that didn’t have the view that school was literal hell because of the constant belittling, insulting, second-class treatment from everyone from the students to the principal (I can think of literally just one individual). We had at least one person I know of who viewed the Columbine shooters as someone they looked up to, because of how badly they were treated at a place where you are supposed to be safe.

    It’s not all rainbows and unicorns now, but it’s a stark contrast to what it was 20+ years ago. Children shouldn’t have to wonder if they are going to be stabbed or shot or beaten by so-called ‘adults’ and ‘caregivers’ for who they like. They shouldn’t be scared of being put out on the fucking street for taking their partner to prom. They shouldn’t have to create a second life of lies and then mirror that data around so if anyone questions anyone in the friend circle, the stories match up.

    A child/teenager should be happy and joyous, not like a fucking prison sentence. 20 years ago, it was. I lived that hell, many of us did. Abuse everywhere you turned, even if you were still in the closet (to everyone but us). People were absolute terrible bastards, but the victims are changing that, because we are the people those fucks who call themselves adults should have been. Everyone I’ve spoken about is in a better place now - scarred physically, suffering from mental trauma, often still questioning why they don’t make today their last, every single day. But we are still here, we have always supported each other, and we want this hellhole to never be experienced by others ever again. A tall order, but we are trying.

    I’m sure there’s thousands, shit, millions of others just like us. We are the shy, timid ones, boiling in our memories of bullshit, our permanent rage. Suffering one last time in the hopes that others don’t have to. Out in the world, some of us just want peace and quiet, to be left alone and forgotten, as their defense. Some carry weapons, due to their location and popular opinion against them. Some relocated to more accepting parts of the world, many right out of high school. But we all want all of us to live safer, happier, better lives. Together, we make progress, bit by bit.

    My siblings and their friends, I hear them talk about things now and then. A few years makes a huge difference in tolerance - two decades might as well be completely different planets.

    Just don’t pretend or romanticize years past, is all I’m saying. Progress is forward, not backward.

  • I got what I wanted (a proper cmr drive of the same capacity and speed) and I wasn’t terribly interested in like $8 that would show up a year later. I just wanted to have my data safe on the correct hardware, and for cs to recognize and remedy the issue.

    Now if the array had failed and I’d lost data (which from what I’ve read, I was very lucky to not have that happen), absolutely. But I was just angry from being bait-and-switched, and I’m ‘old school’ where loyalty still means something. That’s the only time I’ve had issues with wd; I’ve had drives fail, and there has been no argument, no question, and it’s pretty rare/special circumstances (1kW psu went kaboom, for example). I value cs that just helps the customer, not grilling them for every detail to weasel out of a claim. So yeah they burned some goodwill, but I still have dropped ~2k on drives since then.

  • I remember this - I had just bought my second drive for my nas (raid1, original drive cmr), and it was performing like shit. The next day, news broke about this bullshit and a couple days later, the suit was started. I was fucking pissed, the drives were still having trouble, with terabytes of irreplaceable data at risk while the two drives struggled to mirror. I got in contact with wd and after some back and forth bullshit, I straight-up threatened to join the class and blacklist wd for all my personal, family/friends, and client’s builds, if they didn’t rma the drive immediately and send me a cmr replacement. I’ve been 100% wd for over 20 years, and I have decent reach as to what I recommend and buy for people.

    They sent me a cmr drive via express shipping. I continue to buy wd drives (two more disks in that machine, an external backup, an internal desktop pcie raid0 nvme+card, an internal backup drive for my desktop, a backup ssd for one of my laptops…), but with much more scrutiny. I did not join the class, but it’s still a black mark in my book. I’ve been thinking about giving Toshiba a whirl, their drive reviews look good. Maybe next upgrade…

  • I bought a used machine a couple weeks ago and am setting it up (1st bare metal build), prox with debian vm running docker. I found it annoying that pm doesn’t support it natively but the ability to do snapshots through pm is nice, and let’s me fuck around more than I would otherwise, slowly build up a machine.

    But almost all of the stuff I have running on other machines is just docker containers, so it would be nice if pm just added a checkbox during install or something. (I want to poke at and learn pm, plus mess around with other vms, that’s why I didn’t do straight Debian)

  • wreckedcarzz@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldPost your Servernames!
    2 months ago

    I’ve played the 2D very briefly, but it was before my time so I lack the nostalgia and interest. Seeing the car transform was freaking awesome at the time, so futuristic. I was a kid back then and obtaining all secondary objectives was legitimately hard, but provided replay value.

    I’d really like to see another, but I don’t know if whoever has the IP has any interest, or is even in business anymore.