• TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    You are the very definition of a single issue voter, and your single issue is far closer in nature to your complaints here about the issue you are poo-pooing here.

    Israel is an 18 hour flight that costs almost $2000 for most Americans. The quickest flight is 12 hours and $1k. For most Americans, especially given how insular most Americans are, Israel might as well be on another planet. They might feel sorry for the Palestinians killed by Israelis, but then again, they may also feel sorry for the Israelis abducted and killed by Hamas. For most people, there are no heroes in the Israel-Hamas war, only villains, and for those who REALLY care about this, there’s a significant number of people who view HAMAS and Palestine as the bad guy, and leaving Israel to hang will piss them off, and take their votes and, for the rich ones, their money away to other political parties. That’s a far bigger deal to the Democrats than college kids who can’t be trusted to get out and vote on election day.

    You’re being told to vote blue no matter who because the reality of the political system is that at the end of the day, one of two people will be in the White House come Election Day. The Republican or the Democrat. So you have to look at what the Republican and the Democrat are offering you, and pick the BEST of the two options from that list*.

    Team Red is promising you that if you vote for them, they’ll take the country back to the 1950s. Where Blacks were put in their place as subhumans, and women in their place as baby-factories. Where White Men ran the show and everyone else sat down and shut the fuck up. Where the Left was in league with the Commies and where gays were drugged and killed, not allowed to get married. Donald Trump, who WILL be their standard bearer for three elections in a row, is openly admiring the likes of Orban, Netanyahu (no chance he’s helping the Palestinians!), Kim, and above all, Putin (defeating an authoritarian Russia is important to a lot of Lefties, too, considering they are going in the direction of Czarist Russia pre-Communism). A vote for Team Red may be the last free vote you ever make!

    Team Blue, for all its faults, is a party that stands for libertarian ideals, the freedom to choose to live your life the way you wish within reason, and influence the government with votes. Were Team Red not so horrible for ALL Americans and indeed the entire world, Team Blue would simply say ‘vote for us next time and we’ll clean up the mess you made when you voted for the other guys this time.’ If you actually care about gays, transgenders, minorities, women, the environment, consumers, workers, and so on, you have to realise that Team Red is against all those people and Team Blue is for all those people. Even with as wishy washy as Biden is being over Palestinians, you have to realise that Biden is at least telling Netanyahu “Our support isn’t unlimited. You need to dial this shit down or my hand may be forced by my constituents.” Pro-tip: Trump will say “Go ahead. Kill every last one of those filthy muslims. My constituents like that shit and I’m busy jailing everyone who doesn’t.”

    In the end, you’re being told Vote Blue no Matter Who because a vote for Team Red, or indeed any other party including a non-vote may be the last fucking vote you’re ever allowed to take.

    (*): Unless you live in Alaska or Maine or one of the towns that allows RCV. Here, feel free to vote Green as long as Blue is your second choice.

    PS: I studied the fall of the Iranian Resistance and the rise of the Ayatollah in an undergrad Political Science class back in undergrad. Important lesson: Khomeini rose to Supreme Leader by dividing the Left and making them fight amongst themselves after they worked together to overthrow the Shah. So did Hitler, honestly. It’s a time-tested tradition to throw in division on the Left because it works so fucking well. WE need to be the Left that doesn’t break to this, because Trump is counting on us breaking so he can do here what Hitler did to Germany and Khomeini did to Iran. You pushing so hard for that serves Trump’s purposes. Any wonder why you’re getting so many downvotes?

    • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      You are the very definition of a single issue voter

      Just because a person mentions one thing, doesn’t mean there’s not other things.

      I would be insanely surprised if anyone in America truly only cares about a single issue, let alone it being the support of Israel’s genocide.

      I stop reading when I see something obviously wrong, so no idea what the rest of your essay was for.

      • theprogressivist @lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I stop reading when I see something obviously wrong, so no idea what the rest of your essay was for.

        “iT dOesNt FIt mY nARrAtiVe sO I SToPpEd rEaDiNg.”

        • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
          5 months ago

          That dude is just another anti-Biden sock puppet. I wouldn’t take them seriously.

      • FlowVoid@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        You are the very definition of a single issue voter

        You just barged into a thread about a Microsoft artificial intelligence data center in Wisconsin in order to complain about Gaza.

        If the shoe fits, wear it.