• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    You don’t seem to remember the last debates.

    The debates aren’t changing anyone’s minds from one candidate to another.

    It’s to convince people who might not vote, that while both candidates are bad, at least might be worth voting for.

    Biden doesn’t do that by rolling in the mud with trump and trading insults.

    He does that by ignoring Trump’s childish bullshit and addressing the potential voters who are listening.

    You’re acting like the whole point is “winning” an argument when you know damn well neither candidate and none of their hardcore supporters will ever admit their side did poorly.


    To be clear, that arguing shit works on idiots who thinks it makes someone “strong”.

    That’s boomer thinking.

    This election the majority of expected voters (not just total eligible) will be under 40.

    And we don’t care about that stupid shit. We want a president with a plan and a desire to follow thru. That’s what Biden needs to show. But he’s 82 years old and it’s hard for him to grasp how many generations ahead of him voters are.

    He still thinks this stupid shit will get votes.