• Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Not to speak for the other person but I feel the same way. His win in 2016 was a fluke.

    It won’t be a fluke, this time. Republicans in Red states have spent the last couple years ramming through laws making it harder to vote. And they will certainly be claiming massive fraud again, sans evidence, and tying up certification in their states for as long as possible giving SCOTUS the chance to step in like they did in Florida 2000 when SCOTUS handed the states votes to Bush.

    Worse still, republicans in swing states have been trying to use the theory of the independent sate legislature to enact legislation granting themselves the power to overrule the will of the voters and award the state’s electoral votes to the candidate of their own choosing. Don’t shake your head too quickly at that idea. At least three members of SCOTUS support the idea.

    Even so, three justices—Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Clarence Thomas—have spent two years campaigning for the independent-state-legislature doctrine in judicial statements and dissents. None of those writings carried the force of law, but together they served as invitations for a plaintiff to bring them a case suitable to their purpose. A fourth justice, Brett Kavanaugh, wrote a concurrence in which he invited the North Carolina Republicans in the Moore case to return to the Supreme Court after losing an emergency motion. Where John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett stand on the doctrine is unclear.

    You can be certain that there will be lawsuits filed within hours of the election claiming fraud and that the legislatures in those states can name their own electors. I wouldn’t even be surprised to see right wing terrorists attacking polling stations, disguised as AFTIFA of course, in order to give the legislatures ammo to support those efforts.

    This could be the ugliest election in the history of this nation. The forces of evil are doing all they can to hand Trump another term.