Can we at least agree that this desecration is abhorrent?

    1 month ago

    former president, current presidential candidate

    That’s a lot of words to say “ordinary private civilian,” that’s all trump is right now, same as you and me. He has no legal authority over anyone.

    And expecting that should be the bare minimum we expect from members of the military. They are expected to disobey illegal orders if they receive them, if they’re not willing to stand up to an ordinary civilian, how can they be expected to stand up to a commanding officer ordering them to commit war crimes? At that point they’re no better than a Nazi concentration camp guard who was “only following orders.”

    In a warzone not everyone is in a combat role

    Until your base, convoy, ship, etc. is attacked, and then suddenly you find yourself in combat. Or until circumstances change and you end up getting reassigned to a combat position because that’s where you’re needed. Even if you’re just there to work on computers, fix humvees, dig ditches, etc. there’s a reason you still got the same basic training with a rifle and such as the guys who signed up to play soldier. It’s a small chance of those things happening, but a very real one.