• Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    Get used to there being a front line because as this gets worse these mediums of communication are going to get more action driven. You think it’s overkill now but the more you get used to hearing other people calling for ACTUAL action the more you will see what it actually looks like and will know what you could be participating in. This is likely lost on you because at this point you are simply reacting to being checked.

    Yesterday the US failed diplomatically at a fundemental level with allies who are key to policing the international waters and air between the USA and Russia. Don’t be fooled. It is not just a trade war, it is a softening of US defenses as well. Priorities will be changing and depending they could change faster than you expect. If this follows the patterns of other historical conflicts we will all only learn how critical our time was at this stage in hindsight.

    • FabledAepitaph@lemmy.world
      9 days ago

      Mmhmm, do you know what’s not lost on me? All the Trump supporters that stormed the capital, in much the same way that people around here seem to be hinting at. I don’t think they really accomplished much behind bars for the last four years. But let’s ignore all that and throw some more jabs in my direction. I’ll be here voting and figuring out what else I can do while the people here criticizing me either do nothing, or lose their right to vote after a prison sentence.

      • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
        9 days ago

        These jabs are only vaguely in your direction. I have been aiming past you to people who are not shut down. You have decided to stay sidelined which I have said at multiple points, is fine. You do you. But what you keep doing is to try, quite transparently, to discredit the seriousness with which I am taking the situation by signaling to the people around me that inaction is noble. That what I am doing is shameful… That is my only problem with how you comport yourself because otherwise even those who are useless are fairly neutral.

        But you aren’t useless, you are taking this personally. You are throwing up your hands and crowing victim which is another silencing tactic well worn in circles that aim to keep the conversation going so the solve never comes. That isn’t useless behavior , it is undermining tactics. This isn’t about you. Get over yourself.

        At this point this convo is so buried that the point has essentially passed so I will not continue. Goodbye.