Nobody tells me what I’m going to do or where I will be going and when that happens

I am open to invitations or requests or suggestions where my involvement is desired or ostensibly necesary for somone else. But I will never respond to this as a statement of fact or in the form of a threat

  • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOP
    9 months ago

    I do not respond or enagage with shouting and implied threats of violence or loss of resources or any guilt/shame-based appeals

    This one is super easy one. I don’t listen to anyone rant and rave (I consider it fantasizing) about why my doom and downfall is imminent and often the inevitable “Sir Story” about how Imma come up to them with hat in hand and tears in eyes to beg for their help or forgiveness.

    Not surprisingly, these gloom+doom predictions have never played out cuz they’re always manipulative fantasy bullshit but its important to me that I make a point about not being receptive or permissive towards it

    Its helpful for me to let them know I’ll touch base at the tail-end of the timeframe they speculated on (the longer the better heh) and we can see how things played out relative to their fantasy scenario (only if I choose to try again at the end)

      9 months ago

      Is this basically the people acting out the lyrics of Johnny Cash’s Cry! Cry! Cry!?

      It seems like a reasonable stance, but I’m just confused by how often you could possibly have people forecasting your downfall. I mean, unless you’re secretly a leader of a country currently engaged in war crimes or something.

      9 months ago

      What does “Sir story” mean?

      What do you mean about fantasizing and downfall?

      What do you mean by leave and lock up when they’re done?

      A lot of these threads confuse me… But I’m easily confused so…

      I’m also horrible with friendships and relationships.

      My post probably won’t make sense and seem like a jumbled mess of different thoughts.

      What I consider “real” people are really unique and that’s what makes them “real” imo. It’s hard to be different and that causes a lot of emotion due to having different perceptions and views. I try to put the uniqueness above differences with people because the world’s a wild place. I see soulful uniqueness as something that binds a foundation. …like ideally…differences shouldn’t mean anything because when we get to our essence we are all bound by soulfulness? Same for interests. People can be different but connect through artful outlets and still maintain peace by not acting on their differences or bringing them to attention. But the way the world works fucks all that up too (money and stuff).

      Communication and how things are communicated make a difference in the responses people give. The problem is emotion gets in the way and that’s when people react or find the need for boundaries.

      I’ve cut people out of my life before, sometimes even for basic shit. I’ve caused fights and made up right after and ended up with a stronger relationship. I understand when people want boundaries although I’m learning in some situations those boundaries can be held back or unattainable by lack of money and neurodivergence. I respect people’s need/want for distance but that is different than being able to pick up and go.

      Perception is huge. Everyone reacts badly at times. But that doesn’t mean everything they do is meant to cause harm or ill intent. I used to work in a pretty dramatic work environment with a lot of he said she said stuff going on. My boss would always tell people to put reality over perception. Basically mindfulness… This is a great tool in life. Its something a person needs to practice and build over time, basically for their entire life. But there’s an issue here as well since we essentially live in chaos. Cultures, religion, and lifestyles are all different and humans are basically programmed to manifest the world as they perceive it. This is essentially what mindfulness tries to overcome. Survival instinct is similar. How does a person shut off their survival instinct when there’s a threat or in some cases suicide. It’s instinct to not be able to take yourself out. This is why suicidal people often practice until they are able to overcome it. When a person has a misperception of reality and believe there’s a threat that essentially isn’t there then the only way to not react is to practice mindfulness?

      It’s all so sensitive because it all really is chaos. Say you unintentionally piss off someone that knows war. How can a person stop a product of war from reacting? PTSD is wild. This is where a person ideally should take a step back and see a larger picture. Look at their perceptions and reality etc. so… You have the warhead and the pisshead haha. The warheads protecting themselves from a threat. But now the pisshead is reacting to reaction of the warhead. How do the two make peace? They might even have similar life views and ideology but the animal instinct is still automatically and biologically in play. It’s a chain reaction and for people with understanding of life, who most likely know better in a theoretic sense, they both become victims of biology and instinct. …regardless if the issue started out as a mistake. …now I guess this is where boundaries come in. The two people are now stuck in a position where maybe they all see healing needs to take place. How can people heal when they are stuck in the shit though? How can they provide each other with distance and boundaries in a modern world that basically has everyone by the balls? What if these people are unique and see the world as it really is, the whole spectrum of humanity, and live in circumstances different that regular society? Maybe they know they need boundaries and distance but keeping an eye out is also part of their survival instinct. How does this situation change? Overseeing causes more misperception of actions, probably moreso than there is intent of harm. How do people overcome this?

      I don’t even know where I’m going with this post anymore…

      I often think of chaos and yin and yang. Visualize the yin yang. ☯️ You have the white and you have the solid. You have a small bit of solid in the white and a bit of white in the solid. The disagreement is the is that small bit in the opposite color. Now look at it. You might think that’s some disharmony… That speck is fucking things up? But then you see the other side and it’s the same deal. Now attention is zoomed in on that small misplaced spot. Wouldn’t it be better if one side was solid and one side was white? Right? That makes sense theoretically? So focus is now all on that speck. That speck needs to be moved to bring back harmony and that’s the focus now. You fight that, you put in work to make that change right? You keep trying. You get close. Keep trying… Next thing you know you’ve spent a few years trying to move that speck because it’s causing disharmony. Now you don’t even remember the other parts exist. It’s just you and that speck… Now let’s talk God/Chaos. God is the universe and it’s energies, everything in existence. You see things decay into chaos and regrow back to order… And you need to touch it… You don’t need to change anything for this to happen. That’s trust in faith right? That’s what religions are based on? Okay… So now back to the yin yang.

      If a person is fighting to remove that speck isn’t that an example of lack of faith? If a person has faith in God then God put that speck there. Are there lessons that speck has? Is there something to learn from it. You fought to remove it for so long… But what about having faith that it’s there on purpose and put their by God.

      Now zoom out. ☯️ Look again at the 4 parts. Solid, white, solid speck, white speck. The whole thing… It’s always going to be constant. The ying yang as a whole is God/Everything. By zooming in on one side or the other, or one speck or the other, a person gives up their faith and give up God. It’s natural thing that happens. The idea is to practice mindfulness so you can zoom out if you find yourself getting sucked in. So you can zoom out reconnect with the universe/God. It’s the yin yang as a whole that matters. It’s the people as a whole that matters. Its the world as a whole that matters.

      …but yeah idk… Just some thoughts… Sorry if I come off as condescending. Also I didn’t re read this some even if people grasp the ideas it probably still won’t make sense, lol.