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Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2025

  • They just drinking some of the residual koolaid that team Trump was pouring into social media to convince left leaning voters, who were never going to vote for him, to throw their votes away.

    It’s the same tactic they used in 2016 to target black people. They simply put out a lot of fake posts from fake “black people” creating the illusion of a movement of people who refused to vote for Hillary.

    The Great Hack is a documentary that covers the Cambridge Analytica scandal and shows them talking about using this exact same tactic in other elections. The former employee said it was like injecting poison into the veins of social media.

    The person you’re responding to probably doesn’t even realize that they’re still regurgitating the same nonsense because they think they’re living in a world full of other people who agree with them. But that world is artificial and was created to manipulate them.

  • There’s an equally rabid and irrational type of person who identifies as being left of center and they, like their mirror image, would rather burn the whole world down than to compromise.

    We have to learn to recognize these toxic people for what they are, an impediment. Just because they’re using left-wing memes instead of right-wing memes doesn’t mean that they’re our ally.

    Populist movements require everyone, this necessarily means that we have to reach the people who’re not the swastika flying white supremacists and the first step is to recognize that most voters are not the extremists and labeling everyone that voted for Trump as a ‘Nazi’ is helping drive division and plays into the hands of the elites that seek to divide us.

  • Where it actually breaks is unknowable, but the structure is:

    Judges determine the interpretation of the law. The executive branch enforces the law.

    Both of those branches derive their power from the constitution.

    The military protects the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The President is the Command in Chief of the military, however service members from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to a Private fresh out of boot camp are instilled with the obligation to refuse illegal orders.

    If the Supreme Court rules on an issue and the President tries to use the military in contravention of that ruling, the military is supposed to follow the constitution, not the President.

  • But also fuck this type of partisan rage bait article. This type of writing is what divides us, even if it’s saying things you wanna hear.

    Hear, hear.

    This kind of ‘information’ is like doing drugs, it feels good but it destroys your ability to function as a normal human being. Getting addicted to outrage and ‘owning the <other side>’ is playing into the divisive politics that allows the powers that be to divide us. Nobody is going to want to work with you if you’re calling them a MAGAT and you’re not going to want to work with anyone who’s attacking you.

    Your enemy isn’t the other middle class and poor people who’ve been convinced to wear a different color hat than you. If you can’t see that and adjust your behavior appropriately then you still have a lot to learn and I hope we have enough time for you to catch up.