Green energy/tech reporter, burner, raver, graphic artist and vandweller.
Were he physically fit, he could win a limbo contest. But as it stands, he’ll just hire people with golden shovels and then not pay them (nor for the shovels themselves).
God, that’s fucking heartbreaking. But don’t worry, that’s coming to the states as well (not that it hasn’t already been here, just at scale this time).
It absolutely is a First Amendment violation, but that matters not a whit to the junta.
I’m glad you did! There’s a nonzero chance someone unversed in such things will read your post and gain knowledge. The whole system is designed to be a black box to the layperson, and any time we can shed some light, we should.
Glad someone got the reference.
You’re of course correct on margins. I was meaning the broader sense of ensuring line goes up. I’m up way too late to have an economics discussion, and it seemed convenient shorthand.
That’s ultimately the plot of Office Space.
Pretty much the textbook definition of “no matter how bad you think it is, it’s worse.”
God, I fucking hate this state.
That’s a lot of copy to arrive at “Yes.” Wildly inappropriate time for a question hed.
It’s somewhere in the mid-30s percentagewise in terms of people who actually want this. Millions just didn’t vote, and I’ll reluctantly admit to being one of them. But my vote doesn’t count at any level.
City passes a reasonable law, Legislature gets called into special session to make said law illegal. Legislature is horrifically gerrymandered, which is particularly rich given they work here.
We insanely don’t have term limits, so the same three old white dudes, one of whom – the fucking attorney general, who has been under federal indictment since I moved to Texas 10 years ago – are running the state as when I arrived. Texas does not hold elections so much as performative theatre.
We needn’t go into the value of my vote at the federal level. You can’t just vote harder.
Hey, … I know you’re new here and the post formatting can be hard to adjust to, but when quoting a story, you want to start each graf with a greater-than sign.
This indicates that you are not the speaker, which quote marks alone do not convey (not to mention the double quote marks that resulted, making my editor side go ballistic).
In which case posting here about it makes no sense.
We’re going straight to eugenics in under a month? Jesus fuck.
ETA: Also, you chucklefucks, I already got fixed years ago because of the horrific state of affairs in the world. I find it morally reprehensible to bring children into this world given what we know about climate change alone. Political shifts are just icing.
We should have revalued the dollar after going off the gold standard to avoid this, but turning $10 into $1 would not be popular for market cap (goodbye, trillion-dollar companies). Oddly enough, the introduction of the Euro didn’t seem to cause financial collapse when several countries had to suddenly shift to a new scale.
I keep quarters for laundry but try to use anything smaller as soon as I get it. Self-checkouts are perfect for this, as you can just dump everything in the coin-input cup and use it like a Coinstar without the fees.
After factoring in other input costs and margin expectations for shareholders, I’d expect finished goods to rise more like 10%. No one’s buying wholesale chunks of aluminum and steel for home use.
“Not enough of California is suffering. This must be fixed.”
Dutch and Danes both start with D. Could be an honest mistake when we send the full might of the U.S. military to bear.
Windmills! Those fucking Dutch.
Won’t someone think of the worms?