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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t understand how the system in the US works at all. It seems like a very small amount of people with a very specific background vote on people. So there’s a ton of people getting elected all the time. But somehow the people who are elected make international news all the time? They seem very much not important and only represent a small part of the population.

    Am I missing something? Why are these clowns like Bobo The Clown and Magic The Gathering getting so much attention? Who cares what some random idiots do, if they don’t actually have that much power to begin with.

  • Not no reason. It’s the way she got to power and keeps herself in power. Generate all the bullshit and outrage you possibly can and keep yourself in the news cycle. Then go to your supports and shout: See? I’m pissing off all the libs, I must be doing something right!

    These people might seem dumb, but it’s all planned and calculated. They are the lowest of the lowest and aren’t afraid to turn themselves into a dumb idiot when it suits their needs.

    The only defense we would have was if social media didn’t exist and the actual media would act responsible. The only reason their tricks work is because it keeps them in peoples eye. If we were to ignore these pieces of shit, they wouldn’t get anywhere.

  • As someone who used to sell handmade wood products in the past: Don’t do it unless you know what you are getting yourself into. It takes the fun out of making. You need to work within a budget and with time constraints and any flaw or mistake means lost time and lost money.

    It started as a hobby for me, then people around me asked to make them some things, which I did. Then it snowballed into people who had heared from a friend of a friend kind of thing. At first I liked the attention/praise and was honored people liked it enough to have me make it for them. I also liked the idea of making and instead of it costing a lot of money it would be cost neutral or even make a few bucks. Then as time went on I started to hate it, gave me a lot of stress and I gave up on making for a couple of years.

    Only recently I once again made a piece and fell in love with it again, it’s an eyecatcher in my office and I love it. Everyone who sees it comments on it. Some people have asked for me to make something after seeing it, but I’ve said no. Only said yes to my best friend who asked without any deadline and only to pay for the materials and not the hours, so it wouldn’t be a job, just a shared project kind of thing.

    But if it works for you, more power to you, good luck!