Shut-in, keeper of weird hours.

  • 42 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • From Wikipedia: The Ludwig von Mises Institute for Austrian Economics, or Mises Institute, is a nonprofit think tank headquartered in Auburn, Alabama, that is a center for Austrian economics, radical right-wing libertarian thought and the paleolibertarian and anarcho-capitalist movements in the United States. It is named after the economist Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) and promotes his version of heterodox Misesian Austrian economics.

  • Ok, this is the hedgemeister being really nutty here, but this makes me think of Planet of the Apes (the original, not the remakes), in which there’s some sort of plague that kills off everyone’s dogs and cats, but doesn’t affect apes, who are then taken as pets instead. For some reason this causes them to evolve and take the place of humans as the dominant species. The law of unintended consequences! So along the same lines, if coffee beans go extinct, what if a synthetic alternative is created which accidentally makes humans telepathic, or better yet, removes their need for sleep? If there’s a sci-fi story in there somewhere, please feel free to take it and run with it. As for me, I think it’s time for a lie down . . .

  • The 21st century hasn’t been terribly nice so far. We had the 2000 US presidential election fiasco, 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq, hurricane Katrina with the Federal govt essentially telling the people of Louisiana to go and fuck themselves; let’s see, then there’s the 2008 finanicial crisis, the 2016 election of Trump (and I’m not so thrilled with Obama’s presidency in retrospect, tho he did give us Obamacare, for what it’s worth), then the Jan 6th insurrection, the pandemic, and just as it seemed like that might be winding down, Russia invaded Ukraine, and when that seemed like it entered into a stalemate, then Hamas attacked Israel and Israel responded with collective punishment of Gaza. I’m sure I’m forgetting lots of other important stuff (there are ongoing wars in the Congo we never hear about), but those are the things that stick out to me. Humanity is exhausted and demoralized; birthrates in many places around the world are taking a nosedive. I’m fortunate to only have been personally affected by the finanicial crisis and COVID, lots of other people have had it much worse. Someone will probably respond that it’s all a matter of perspective, and they’d be right, of course; perhaps I was spoiled by the relatively stress-free 90s. Maybe things will get better? I think it’s past time they did. Anyway, thus endeth my rant, thanks for reading.