Doesn’t know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • What has baffled me the most since yesterday was a vox pop airing on a local (canadian) channel. The journalist had travelled shortly south of the border to Plattsburgh, which is historically blue but has recently been more tight. How the casual Trump supporters remained unfazed was chilling.

    One slick office lady explained calmly how the recent judicial events did not relate to Trump’s proposed politics and that therefore it didn’t change her voting intention. Another woman would explain how she prefers to vote for someone honest who speaks his mind, someone that was never involved in politics, so that’s why she’s still intending to vote for Trump (her husband had voted for Biden last election and had apparently regretted it).

    It’s somehow way more shocking to witness some very average sounding and looking person make so little sense. Is it the average American news sources messing with people’s minds that much?

  • A couple of points you might find interesting:

    • Biden was supposed to meet Jordan’s King Abdullah, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas cancelled his presence following the hospital bombing, then Biden discussed with King Abdullah and they agreed to call it off.
    • Biden was not complacent with Israel in his address at Tel Aviv. He urged Israel not to give in to rage, drawing a parallel with USA’s mistakes following 9/11.
    • During his trip, Biden finally managed to convince Israel to let humanitarian aid into Gaza.

    I might be overly optimistic, but I feel that countries (including the US) supporting Israel are in the process of diplomatically clarifying that their support is not really unconditional and that peace is the only acceptable objective. In that sense I don’t think his trip was all bad.

  • The article blames COVID for people’s pessimism about the economy and shows some very serious looking spiky graphs. I don’t like how it seems to argue obliquely that the economy is good now but the peasants are too whiny to notice.

    I can’t be the only one to feel like the economy (whatever that is) mostly improves through the average person’s misery and mostly suffers whenever we get some kind of windfall. Moreover it’s driving us right into some kind of apocalypse. So if some pollster asks me how confident I am that the economy will get better soon I don’t know what I’ll say to be honest.