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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2024


  • Hillary got buttery maled and blue walled.

    She was exceptionally equipped and would have made for a fine president, after all, she was the one who advocated for Obamacare back in the 90s, (which you may know, was actually a republican plan first, back when republicans used to win New England states).

    All that is to say, people like to think Hillary wouldn’t have moved the country to the left, but she most certainly would have. Her public perception may not have been as left as Bernie, and perception absolutely matters (see Joe B). However, like Biden, I think she had such control of the political machinery that she would have been much more effective at putting those plans to action.

    The reason I say all of this is, some our most left leaning policies have been enacted by presidents who were elected from the center (Johnson, Clinton, Biden).

  • Starting a daily productivity log. It started as a google form but has morphed into a larger spreadsheet. It contains:

    • Something I completed today
    • something I worked on today
    • one thing I couldn’t do and why
    • a new idea I had today
    • something I did for physical activity
    • something I learned today

    Each row is a day. It also includes a section for bucket list and yearly goals and whether I achieved them.

    I don’t fill it out every day and I don’t fill out every field each day either, but I do try to not get more than 10 days behind.

    It gives me a sense of purpose. It helps me remember what I’ve done, so days don’t just slip through my fingers. It also, I think, shows how I’ve grown a bit as a person.

    It became really special when I was able to bring it out during my wedding vows. I wrote down on paper many of the things my SO and I did on our adventures and got to share them with our friends and family.

    I have a tab for each of the last 15 years.

  • Poignant, but I disagree.

    I think you are treating the presidency as a dictatorship. Even though you even say in your comment that the party is segmented, you are treating the party as one monolith. I think you know each faction has their own special interests.

    Hell, I’ll even tell you mine. I spend my times and resources focusing on climate change. It’s been my primary political motivation since the first Earth Day that I can remember, planting trees with my Mom and watching Captain Planet thereafter.

    If I had it my way, I’d have the military spend at least 25% of their resources on that alone and require all citizens to complete 40 hours per year volunteering for environmental activities that impact their local community. I’d take back the word “sustainability” to mean impact to the climate.

    If it were up to me that would be my main focus until we resolved the issue as I think it’s the biggest trial to humanity of our times. Those people are my faction.

    I’d do that at the expense of many other initiatives; those others would likely die on the vine.

    But I’m competing with so many other important activities supported by their own special interests. Now I wonder, which one gets prioritized? Likely the one by the faction that is screaming the most or the easy one that gets broad support and improves popular sentiment.

    Now, if we were a dictatorship, we could get your and my issues resolved….but I don’t want to live in a dictatorship, so all I can do, living in our current moment, is cheer and vote and wait for my turn.

    And I’ll do it with vigor, because the alternative is a big step in the wrong direction.