Who knew that Americans were so protective of their childless cat lady community. I feel so loved!
Not to mention our living room furniture
We should probably leave the damn dolphins alone as well.
Ironic because furniture and cats are mortal enemies.
Aren’t you busy running the country?
Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met honestly and usually very intelligent.
Just the cats. The lady kinda gets a free pass.
Well not really free.
There is a cat tax.
Yeah I demand all childless women on the internet show us their pussycats.
Wait, I’m a childless and catless woman on the internet
Kamala Harris doesn’t pay her cat tax! We the people demand that Kamala pays the cat tax.
Madam Vice President the American people have a clear understanding of your position on the issues at stake, namely that you aren’t a raving freak show like your opponents, but one major question remains: will you or will you not send kitty pics? We deserve to see your cat. Should you win we wish to see your cat walk past your addresses without any regard whatsoever about you trying to announce changes to our lives.
Well, I’m unfortunately a careless guy on the internet.
(I want one, but I’m not in a place to have one- too busy.)
Us Catmen feel left out in the cold
CNN’s Bakari Sellers responded by saying, “I think that J.D. Vance is kind of the Sarah Palin of Dan Quayles.”
Hmm, that’s going to cause someone to need some aloe
That burn is so sick I need a thesaurus to understand the damage.
See my other comment alongside yours ;)
To help others.
On Quayle:
Press coverage of the convention was dominated by questions about “the three Quayle problems”.[23] The questions involved his military service, a golf holiday in Florida where he and several other politicians shared a house with lobbyist Paula Parkinson,[24][12] and whether he had enough experience to be vice president. Quayle seemed at times rattled and at other times uncertain or evasive as he responded to questions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Quayle
And then:
John McCain probably lost whatever chance he had to become president on August 28, the day he invited Sarah Palin to be his running mate. https://origins.osu.edu/history-news/why-sarah-palin-gamble-didn-t-pay
Thus, the burn.
Edit: JD Vance probably had to look this up, too.
Holy shitballs, that scalding is gonna require debridement and skin grafts.
I remember him for that and the dopey cat parodying him on Capitol Critters.
JD’s mom was masterbating on her favorite couch, not realizing that JD’s dad had recently done the same… and thus she become pregnant with JD despite the sexless loveless marriage. Nobody told JD about it, but he was always drawn to the place of origin like a salmon.
Ah that explains a lot. He can’t help doing what he does to them then
It do
Hi!👋 me again, don’t forget to:
Print photos of different couches or dolphins and mail them to any or all of these locations:
Don’t forget to add little love notes. e.g., “Thinking of you 💋”
And, remember kids, drink your Ovaltine!
Dude I’ll keep it a stack with you. When I first saw you I thought you were an amusing bot. However seeing your message evolve over time, and the consistency with which you keep it up, I’m only left with a profound respect for the sheer effort involved if nothing else.
Ha! I’m not sure I’ve ever been accused of being a bot. But I do take advantage of copy and paste. 😊
Keep fighting the good fight!
I’m a actually just tired of the spam, and a little disappointed that so many people respect this way of using Lemmy. If everyone treated Lemmy like this user does, the place would fail catastrophically.
This guy started by just spamming the same comment verbatim dozens of times to different threads. That’s just being a spammer. The reason you thought it was a bot is because the content was low quality and low effort.
And mailing pictures of dolphins and couches to J.D. Vance is funny as a joke, but I can’t see it accomplishing anything else but generating a bit of paper waste. It certainly won’t win Harris any votes, or lose Trump any votes. It’s just petty trolling.
In less than 4 months America decides whether or not we’re diving head-first into Fascism. Surely there are better forms of activism than whatever petulant nonsense this is.
The couches I understand, but what is the porpoise of the dolphins?
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
He wants the Hank Hill experience.
net favorable rating of negative six points
there must be another way of saying this
deleted by creator
Negative 6% of people like him
Six under Par?
Unfortunately it doesn’t look like they have any cool names until four under Par (Condor).
net unfavorable rating of six points
“Of my lifetime…” Spot the person born after 1988.
Dan Quale misspelled potato(e) JDVance wants to end democracy…
Dan Quayle helped save democracy!
Seriously, Pence called him looking for guidance on the electoral college certification, and it was Quayle who convinced him that he had no choice but to certify the election. He’s earned the right to spell potato however he wants.
The redemption of Dan Quayle was one of the strangest moments of our strange era in history.
Who would you say is worse? I’m not sharp on history and politics.
Oh my good lord I just remember Sarruh Payuhlin. JD that bad? I don’t know man.
JD is much worse.
When Palin first joined the McCain ticket, she boosted his poll numbers and none of the criticism she got seemed to stick. It was only when SNL started parodying her that public opinion shifted. On paper she was exactly what McCain needed, both to shore up his base and to add some much need youth and energy, and having that whole family image that polled well with women.
Obviously we have a lot more information to go on now, but at the time Palin made sense.
Vance was a terrible pick from the beginning. He’s a nut job that even Republicans aren’t happy with. He appeals to nobody that wouldn’t have already been a Trump supporter. He adds nothing of value, just more shit that people can easily mock and/or be terrified of.
He adds nothing of value
He was chosen because he publicly said he would do what Mike Pence wouldn’t do on January 6th.
As would the vast majority of Republicans now, I think. There has to be more than just that.
Yeah, they keep topping themselves. Bush Sr was probably a weird choice for the time, being the CIA guy.
Atleast her selection gave us quality pornography like Who’s Nailin’ Paylin? What would JD give us, just a creep molesting furnature.
Rule 34.
Cock Chainee
Dick Cheney perhaps?
Dick was a horrible VP. A vile human being. But on paper he looked decent until the position. Jergin Dick just seems like a horrible choice in every way possible. Not recognizable. Bad reputation. Talks shit about his boss. And flip flopped on everything since forever. Zero integrity.
Hide your couch
So… that guy is famous enough to have a Wikipedia article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Dodson
Which I just found because you reminded me that he existed
Dodson! Dodson! We got Dodson here!
See? Nobody cares.
Wait, he fucking boxed the home invader they were interviewing him about?
Edit: https://www.al.com/entertainment/2014/11/antoine_dodson_vs_the_intruder.html
And he won because the ref twisted the attempted rapist’s ankle while pushing him.
‘Worst Vice Presidential Pick of My Lifetime’
Oh Sarah (Palin), we hardly knew ye…
Quick, someone make a website on par with https://brettkavanaugh.beer
Which is sadly a 404 right now :(
But that link from the internet archives is only from a couple months ago. Hopefully it’s not a permanent 404.
That is a beautiful website
CNN’s Bakari Sellers responded by saying, “I think that J.D. Vance is kind of the Sarah Palin of Dan Quayles.”
This is the quote of the day!
Really? Where does Palin fall on the “worst” list?
I still think Obama would have probably won. I didn’t think that poorly of McCain though. Not my politics, but he seemed like a good person.
Once he picked Palin though…
No one was going to help McCain, he was a long shot candidate after 8 years of a Republican president that left the country exhausted and fed up, Obama was an answer, McCain was an offer to get more of the same with a little tweak here and there.
Not mine either but I met him once in a hotel lobby. He was very nice to the group of high schoolers and came off as a decent person but that may have just been him being good at his job.
I always felt watching that election that he was pushed to the right and out of his comfort zone by the state of his base and even though I didn’t want him to be president I felt a little sorry for him. He would have made a better president than a lot of other Republicans.
Clearly Palin would be the second-worst pick now.
I don’t think we should take that away from her, it’s all she’s got.
She’s got a house she can see Russia from, that’s something
Could also be that a lot of people are waking up to just how fucking weird the Republicans actually are, too…
Captain couch fucker is the perfect cheerleader for weird.
said Enten, 36
That VP choice was sofa king bad
who actually had a net negative favorable rating that is underwater
two negatives do make a positive…