The electoral college is indeed quite frustrating, though note that downballot races in many non-battle ground states do matter. For instance, California and New York have some competitive house races despite not being super competitive for president
Yes, downballot does matter, but it sure would be nice if everyone’s vote counted equally for selecting Presidents. With the current system - they just don’t.
The cons (and not a few Enlightened Centrists ™ ) keep saying that without the EC, candidates will just go where all the people are to campaign - and somehow that is worse than the current system of just trying to win a few “battleground” states? I’d much rather candidates were trying to appeal to as many Americans as possible - it might provide a moderating influence on the far, far right.
Then why won’t regressives support uncapping the House (Wyoming Rule style) and proportional representation? Oh, right, it’s not about making sure their voices are heard, it is about forcing their Christofascist legislation on the rest of the country.
The electoral college is indeed quite frustrating, though note that downballot races in many non-battle ground states do matter. For instance, California and New York have some competitive house races despite not being super competitive for president
Yes, downballot does matter, but it sure would be nice if everyone’s vote counted equally for selecting Presidents. With the current system - they just don’t.
The cons (and not a few Enlightened Centrists ™ ) keep saying that without the EC, candidates will just go where all the people are to campaign - and somehow that is worse than the current system of just trying to win a few “battleground” states? I’d much rather candidates were trying to appeal to as many Americans as possible - it might provide a moderating influence on the far, far right.
Then why won’t regressives support uncapping the House (Wyoming Rule style) and proportional representation? Oh, right, it’s not about making sure their voices are heard, it is about forcing their Christofascist legislation on the rest of the country.
Most likely way to work around it and get a popular vote election is going to be the national popular vote interstate compact