U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday said his administration was examining U.S. Treasury debt payments for possible fraud and suggested that the country’s $36 trillion debt load might not be that high.
Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One, Trump said administration officials who have been combing through payment records in an effort to identify wasteful spending have turned their attention to the debt payments that play a central role in the global financial system.
He’s just planning to stiff his lenders like he has done countless times already, isn’t he?
“nobody bankrupts better than me!”
“And maybe that boy”
If someone wanted to wreck the USA and had a top 10 wish list, this would be on it along with all the other shit he’s done in the last few weeks
His buddies Xi, Putin, or Rocketman probably suggested this.
Abandon Taiwan and Ukraine, alienate Canada and Mexico, tank the financial markets, genocide Palestine, fuck the climate, delete the CIA and roll back equal rights 50 years. Busy first month
Adversaries couldn’t have done a better job.
Biggest foreign intelligence success of all time
Translation: “We’re going to commit fraud to make the national debt appear lower.”
He asked someone if they can just declare bankruptcy, and everyone in the room looked at each other worriedly until someone talked him into looking at the debt problem.
DerUntergang.gif “Mein fuhrer”
Ha, didn’t even think of that scene but it fits. Only with Trump and the yes men around him, it just keeps looping that part as he says one crazy thing after another.
I guess pootie wants him to tank the bond market.
<<grabs popcorn 🍿>>
🎵Monday, bloody Monday🎵
“We’re even looking at Treasuries,” Trump said. “There could be a problem - you’ve been reading about that, with Treasuries and that could be an interesting problem.”
I have not “been reading about that.”
Neither has he.
Orange manbaby can’t read. Prove me wrong.
“We’re not sure we actually owe any money, to anybody, like I’m fairly sure treasuries are like hamburgers, and yaba-daba lunchbox carrying like all we ever can do for these people is Great, great people, the best people say that. Carrying hamburgers around that owe these migrants money, but we really don’t! These are bad people”
Stock market crash in 3… 2… 1…
At this point I think he just wants to default on some debt to emulate Hitler
Administration officials…you mean kids from highschool and 0 financial backgrounds…
He’s not questioning the credit of the United States government, is he? I feel like there is a constitutional clause concerning this.
The constitution is legislation. If he doesn’t enforce the sanctions which are also legislation, what makes you think he cares to follow any? The fact that they haven’t fast tracked him for removal and we don’t have 100% of congress screaming at him for removal means the Republic has fallen. The constitution means nothing.
The constitution ain’t worth shit. It means nothing.
Here comes the default
It will be a wonderful day when I hear te final news of this blithering idiot.
“all those debt payments just getting ‘wasted’ like that, when it should all be going to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”
Well, if it is good for the government, it is good for the rest of us too. Would be pretty interesting if no one made a credit card payment in March.