"Queer people commit suicide at a higher rate than everybody else. … This is not because they are inherently prone to commit suicide due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is because of how they are treated. If you pass this, you will have queer blood on your hands.”
They celebrate this. That’s the problem.
If you pass this, you will have queer blood on your hands
Hearing this will make bloodthirsty, hateful republican legislators so hard that it may risk another grindr outage.
Nazi is as Nazi does
Wtf. I’m in utah. The highschool I went to had a lgbt club. Wtf.
I need to leave this state
So, just fly a Rainbow confederate flag. If they try to tell you to take it down, just say “it is my heritage”.
Sounds like the students need to flood the place with pride flags.
I wonder if Kanye plans to make swastika branded magic Mormon underwear.
What in the pro freedom of speech is this shit?
Checks out