What would be the acceptability of this in your workplace? For context, which country and industry are you in?
I guess I’m mainly thinking about professional jobs, but interested to hear from. I think in France it would be quite common to have a glass of wine, even at a work canteen or so. But in the UK it seems like people would think that was a problem, and in a lot of cases you’d be in violation of something at work.
At a professional office in the American South, I wouldn’t drink alcohol for lunch, but if a coworker brought some into the office, I’d have some.
In the UK people will definitely have a pint on a Friday lunchtime. Sometimes two in my experience. I haven’t seen it as much in Oz but it’s definitely a thing here.
Interesting, what kind of jobs did you see that at in the uk? In my experience manual/ trades would try to finish up early on a Friday to go to the pub, but not have a beer at lunch then go back to work. And in offices it would be frowned on.
I work in corporate retail in the USA. It’s generally acceptable if you’re out of the office on a business lunch. Cracking open a beer in the kitchen at lunch probably wouldn’t have any immediate consequences but you’re probably looking outside of the company for a promotion.
Lol, yeah I was definitely picturing a restaurant setting. Drinking white cider in the alley on your lunch break, or going to a toilet cubicle with a bottle of vodka, really projects a different image…
I’m a welder, and no I would not. It’s not allowed on the shipyard. But even if I could, I wouldn’t. I’m a professional and I’m working with high power tools & equipment. I need to have a clear head.
The trades aint what they used to be 😔
When I worked for a startup we’d sometimes go out for lunch and everyone would have a drink or two. We also kept beer in the office fridge but that was reserved for more Friday afternoons.
yeah I like to have around 7 at lunch and then puke and shit and piss all over my desk
Depending on your company culture, 5 to 10 drinks may be considered the socially acceptable limit for a work lunch. Pissing at your desk is mandatory. Shitting and puking is optional.
your are in Asia also
I’ve had white collar jobs where champagne breakfast was a thing, and blue collar jobs with heavy equipment where driving with any degree of intoxication had serious consequences but, surprisingly enough, not necessarily dismissal.
Also, decades ago, I worked with skilled laborers who would have a beer over lunch, and with concrete finishers who would drink a case of beer between 2 or 3 people while working. I feel like concrete finishers used to work for a flat dollar rate plus beer. If there was enough beer, they would stay all night long.
In my past life, I worked as Data Manager in a movie, at the lunch break, everyone would smoke pot as if nothing. I couldn’t do it because I can’t use computers while high.
Software guy. Most productive/distraction free time of the day is mid-afternoon. Drinking at lunch would just take that zone away and push everything to the next day.
Happy to wait till 5pm, or whenever feels like a good time to do a git push.
git drunk
alternatively, i’ve found the bulmer peak concept to be entirely real: a drink sometimes helps you to just do rather than spending too much time thinking about if what you’re doing is best… it can help with decision paralysis on the micro scale
that said, you can train yourself out of decision paralysis and as someone gets more experienced this is likely to be less and less helpful
When I go lunch I go home for the day. I only work in the morning.
So, no need of alcohol to cope with overwork.
how?? this is like my wet dream.
I work in europe in sector that have signed that we only have to work 35 hours a week. So I work 8 to 15 and that’s it.
The secret sauce is that we have massive unions. So we have achieve a lot of labor rights.
You should see my desk is full of propaganda of 4 different unions, and everyone desk is the same, Unions are very present in my sector.
im taking a shit
I used to think it was unprofessional. But once I had a few jobs where employees were treated like crap, I changed my mind.
In the US at a white collar job. 1 (2 max) drinks every once in a long while for a work lunch is acceptable. Depends on how comfortable you are with your coworkers and if anyone else seems willing to drink a beer or two.
Used to work in marketing, UK. There was a frew beer fridge, with instructions to only help yourselves after 1630 on a Friday. Beers at lunch were fairly standard on a Friday, less so on other days but not unheard of.
School bus driver here. Drinks at lunch would not be a good idea.
what about a camel flatpak?
I’m not seeing that one. Might need to add the right repository.
its upstream of the brewery
We take a fifth of gin everytime our home country whizzes by, so that’s a full glass over the entire workday, and it tends to make the job go faster.
You drink in space??? What kind of gin? What’s being drunk in zero g like? I’m gonna vomit just at the thought of a space hangover mate
Hell yeah, spirits only though since no one’s yet found a ‘medicinal’ reason to bring beer along. I like a bit of Hayman slo gin, we’ve got some Schadlerer schnapps, and plenty of clear bottles.
Being drunk’s pretty much the same but it hits you way faster and passes quicker too, hence why you only do a little bit at a time. No one’s vommed yet, but got plenty of towels around for other reasons just in case
Other reasons like zero-g orgies?
Nah, the sex is bad and the 24hr livestream makes it difficult to perform. We really do need better trained professionals up here.