It was too pricey for the Nazis too. They chose the cheaper alternative.
That’s what’s likely to happen IMO. Deporting tens of millions of people is a logistical and financial nightmare. Not to mention what to do if other countries refuse to take in all these people.
Camps would be likely. Death camps would be a cheaper alternative.
Project 2025 calls for camps. They won’t deport anyone because there’s no country who’d be willing to take that many deportees. They’ll keep them as slaves hired out to pick produce and do the shit work that Americans won’t do. Capitalism is built on slavery.
I sure wish my tax dollars could help people instead.
They do, billionaires.
Well put
Maybe the tariffs can pay for it. /s
Like building a wall across the southern border, this is both unrealistic, unrealizable and a political stunt.
Oddly enough nobody blames them for neither building said wall nor for embezzling donations… Either people are very forgetful or very forgiving.
We’ll make the countries they’re deported to pay for it, I suppose.
Yes but it will trickle back down
Never mind that it’s a crime against humanity, complain about the price. The American way.