Weird, per his beloved Constitution the federal government’s duty here is to ensure unmolested travel between and amongst the states.
Don’t worry, the supreme court will soon reinterpret it to mean something completely different.
Thomas: “The founding fathers clearly indicated that they wanted some light molestation between the states, as women were property back then. This is no different from inspecting wheat when it enters the country.”
Gotta love the Supreme Court nowadays… if you want to change the rules just cozy up to them and ask them to do it for you.
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Yes. The text says one thing, but what did the founders intend? Surely not the literal words. Only Clarence and pals will know after a seance. The first part of the ritual is, of course, receiving millions of dollars from billionaires.
Yeah, the “originalist” council of clerics on the “supreme” court have special insights into such things.
Yeah but not like that, that’s against the rules! \s
Let’s be clear on what that implies: it means all women travelling Interstate would have to prove at a state border that they’re not pregnant. Which means proving with what?
Some form of proof you have an IUD or contraceptive? They’re planning on banning that too.
Some kind of medical document, emitted less than x days ago by a doctor?
And since that would be insanely difficult to obtain, it essentially means women would be banned from interstate travel.
Welcome to Gilead, blessed be the fucking fruit.
If only the people who supported regressive, dumbass positions like JD Vance’s could be swayed by thinking about things for even a few fucking seconds.
It would be considered a feature, not a bug, if women could not travel without the permission of men.
Yeah, that’s true.
It’s just that based on prior arguments I’ve had, they’re just so agitated by thinking things through. even if you put aside the overt heinousness, they just wave away the collateral damage, dismissing them as trivial details as though the whole fucking point of policy is the effect those policies will have. It’s partly that they’re advocating for awful things, but also frustrating that they are too willfully ignorant to realize how bad their own arguments are.
Oh, but I thought they were going to leave it up to the states. This is such a surprise.
When a conservative says “states rights” they actually mean “localized tyranny” within any locality they control. That’s why they instantly apply the tyranny at a federal level whenever they are in control.
When a regressive says, “states’ rights,” they actually mean, “we tried and failed to legislate this at a federal level.” You are absolutely right.
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Just wait until they find out that women could not have bank accounts, and would not have their own credit cards, under 50s-style thinking.
And for people that would say, “oh, the Republicans would never do that”…LOL. I remember hearing crusty old parents of boomers bitching about “no fault divorce” and I didn’t think too many of the youngs GAF about that - until fairly recently - you see these incels talking about rolling it back, some of them born after 9/11 FFS. Also, the right is targeting birth control (again), just like the olden times. They are trying to force “the” bible back into our public schools.
These people are seriously brain-damaged dumbasses who are such Karens that they just cannot let anyone else live their goddamn lives in peace. They have distorted meanings of terms - they view their special privileges and the ability to rule over others as “freedom” and “liberty”. Don’t put anything past them - some of them will try to roll back 60+ years of progress…
My God USA is going to a a civil war over not returning women to Southern states isint it. History really likes to rhyme.
The Bible Belt constantly yearns for slaves
At some point someone needs to realize When human pops become a product you gone off the deep end. Especially with automation ramping up harder and harder.
A new underground railroad?
Great idea. At this point US may need it again but it’s just sad that it’s come to that.
That’s a violation of international law, specifically article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
“Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.” “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.”
These extremists don’t care about international law, or established laws. Apparently the only laws they respect anymore are the one they make themselves.
They do not respect those, either, those laws are for poors.
Their idea of proper “law” is a sheriff that is a Grand Kleagle and running things exactly the way the radical right wing wants Johnny Law to be running things - arresting the “wrong” people, doing everything possible to keep the wimminz in line, etc…
Conservatives want the US to be a confederation, at least when it suits them.
The UDHR is simply a declaration, i.e. “everyone SHOULD have these and we SHOULD work towards making sure everyone have these”, but it’s not legally enforceable - it’s not a treaty or anything like that.
You can still use it to hold people accountable, especially representatives.
…and even if it had any kind of teeth, the radical right wing would hate it even more. They despise everything international, especially if it implies that (their version of) the United States is not entirely perfect.
This guy is awful.
I can only assume that by picking him as VP, Trump is actively trying to lose so he can have another go at Jan 6th.
It’s what it certainly feels like, the guy is so toxic and apparently just keeps on pushing the envelope.
Maybe some sort of Fugitive Women Act? There is precedence for these types of acts in this country …
Yup… this is really “leave it up to the states” and “personal freedom” oriented.
Just in case you’re new to life the GOP never gives a shit about the rules or norms they complain are being broken… They’re absolutely full of shit.
My favorite is when they’ve been crying all these crocodile tears over the plight of women under Shariah Law and so on - Republicans: “OMG! women cannot even drive in Saudi Arabia! You should be glad we are trying to make you worship the Lord here in Jesustan in the way we interpret the very same source material!”
Also Republicans: “We need to keep these womenfolk from travelin’ outside our Gilead states to more free states. Because freedom and Jesus”.
(They do the same crocodile tears over treatment of Teh Gheyz under extremist Islamic rule, too, by the way)
The reality is, when they bitch about “creeping Shariah Law” is that they are jealous that another brand of an Abrahamic cult might outdo them at their own game, but just call the god they both worship (which is Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah) by a name they don’t really appreciate all that much.
Ah, the party of freedom.
Trans people: First time?
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What they like, above all else, is repressing people
They need black people to work their prisons.
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That federal response should be “go fuck yourself JD Pants.”
“Go fuck your couch, couch fucker!” also works.
The number of women who vote republican given the way some of these people talk indicates one of these scenarios:
— those women are experiencing Stockholm syndrome of some kind
— they sincerely believe the same shit, and think they’ll somehow escape the reality they want to impose on others
— they sincerely believe that women should have less rights than men
— or the worst scenario: they’re in some unsafe and vulnerable position in their family, and will experience poverty or death if they don’t espouse the same nonsense
I think the only way to break out of any of these scenarios is to show real life examples and stories of what happens to women in ultra conservative or repressive societies.
Theres no shortage of sad stories in either history or current affairs, women who vote republican don’t appreciate the gravity of the hell they’re going to unleash on themselves.
Edit to include some examples, western women shouldn’t think they’re immune to these sad things if they elect regressive politicians
They have banned girls and women from education above the sixth-grade level. They’ve banned women from most employment. They’ve imposed severe restrictions on women and girls to travel and even leave their homes. They’ve banned women and girls from competitive sports.
Also see,
I always picture that women in Handmaid’s Tale - Serena Joy. The first name should become a thing, just like a “Karen” has - the term Serena should be used for women that vote against their own best interests because they are incredibly myopic and just so filled with hatred for others that they don’t understand the danger voting for qons presents to themselves…
JD moved his cum filled couch from one place to another… That definitely should be illegal