How are you sure that you haven’t bee brain washed?
The left-right spectrum is a construct. It doesn’t line up at all with reality. In reality, tribalism is 90% of politics. Most people vote the way their parents do. Some rebellious types don’t, and instead just conform to whatever their peer group thinks on political matters. Ideology is a post-facto rationalization for all of this.
Currently the “leftist” tribe is becoming more and more into alignment with the fascist tribe. You both show a common disdain for those in the opposition “liberal” tribe after all. And that’s what really matters in all of this mess. Leftists have joined fascist movements in the past, they just come up with rationalizations (which they have a lot of practice with) for why that’s the ideologically correct thing to do.
Only if by “generally center-right” you mean solely in comparison to European concepts of right/left. Most of the world is still vaguely authoritarian and right leaning.
I mean in comparison to the global definition. Those trapped in countries right of center (like the US) are still fighting for progressivism against oligarchy
Right now there’s only fascists and those that oppose them. Kicking those opposed to fascism just after they were kicked to the ground by the electorate puts you on which side of things?
If the ones kicked to the ground are the ones that did everything in their hands to give fascists the government, yes, they deserve to be kicked some more.
Hillary vs Bernie? DNC chose Hillary.
Joe vs Bernie? DNC chose Joe.
7 months for the election and Biden steps down? DNC chooses Harris “with the power of my finger”. For fuck’s sake! France had 6 weeks to prepare an election and they even had time to arrange coalitions between different parties! And to dig deeper, AOC does everything she can to help Harris and they thank her by trying to kick her out and change her by a guy with cancer.
Were you kicking at them when it was Trump vs. Hilary, Trump vs. Joe, and Trump vs. Kamala?
You’re just rationalizing why you’re constantly attacking anyone that opposes fascist Trump. A lot of wards against the opposition to Trump and zero words against Trump. You’re just Trump’s proxy minion.
Fascism is very specifically a right wing ideology. You’re thinking of authoritarianism, which can go both ways. There is no such thing as lefty fascism.
Red fascism has been an accusation that’s been leveled by real socialists at authoritarian socialists for a century. The only problem with the term is that liberals don’t actually know what it means or how important the red part is and start harping on about horseshoes (all while ignoring all the fascism and genocide they themselves support out of convienence)
Yeah there’s some of the rationalization I’m talking about. There’s not a lot of daylight between the politics of the US and China right now. Both have authoritarian leaders that push a narrative about the need for a strongman to run the economy and protect their respective countries from the evil foreigners. Both want to expand their territory. Putin is the same, of course.
Fascism is just a scam to make people accept having an authoritarian leadership. There’s common tropes they use in their propaganda to emotionally manipulate people into supporting it. Glorious past, evil foreigners took things from us, we need a strong man (and it has to be a man because misogyny is a big part of it) to make things right. It’s all bullshit no matter where you put it on your precious spectrum. But it’s bullshit that works. And when it does work all that matters is what you do to oppose it. How you categorize it means jack shit.
“We’re all just cavemen throwing spears at the other village” is not a tremendously helpful or thought-provoking insight, no matter how much truth there is to it.
Government policy is definitely not some illusory construct no matter how poorly the public comprehends or interacts with it.
When someone is throwing a spear at you how much time do you devote to trying to categorize what ideology they’re in?
When fascism enters the picture there’s only three groups of people. Those that support it, those that oppose it, and those that do nothing. Which of these three groups are you in?
So you just watched that spear get thrown at you and then you took time deciding to categorise it as fascism. Now you’re taking a bunch of time explaining that your definition of fascism is a weirdly all-encompassing version of it that fits both left and right and ignores historians and scholars. You have new definitions for other things too that most other people are too brainwashed to understand.
I don’t think you’re as familiar with the meaning of terms as you think. Some people call the NYT left-leaning. They absolutely are not. They are a liberal publication and that has a different meaning.
This is what I meant when I said USA citizens have been corrupted by decades of propaganda. Conservative idiots genuinely believe socialism is about making people eat bugs as opposed to helping people out and doing things for their betterment. And liberals genuinely believe that they are Leftists.
And yet again, you’re obsessed with meaningless categorization that has no basis in reality. You’ve been conditioned into doing this as a way to show loyalty to your particular tribe. It’s just a vain effort to prove you’re tribe is smarter and therefore superior to the other tribes.
The real smart thing to do is to recognize the threat to everyone else one particular tribe has become. And work with everyone else to oppose it. But your caveman brain has become to accustomed towards throwing rocks at a particular tribe you’ll just go on doing it when after they’ve been beaten down to the ground while the real threat gets ready to take you down.
This obsessive need to categorize politics to know who is in your tribe so you know whether to agree with them isn’t actually all that smart.
How are you sure that you haven’t bee brain washed?
The left-right spectrum is a construct. It doesn’t line up at all with reality. In reality, tribalism is 90% of politics. Most people vote the way their parents do. Some rebellious types don’t, and instead just conform to whatever their peer group thinks on political matters. Ideology is a post-facto rationalization for all of this.
Currently the “leftist” tribe is becoming more and more into alignment with the fascist tribe. You both show a common disdain for those in the opposition “liberal” tribe after all. And that’s what really matters in all of this mess. Leftists have joined fascist movements in the past, they just come up with rationalizations (which they have a lot of practice with) for why that’s the ideologically correct thing to do.
US liberals are generally center-right. They mean progressives.
Only if by “generally center-right” you mean solely in comparison to European concepts of right/left. Most of the world is still vaguely authoritarian and right leaning.
I mean in comparison to the global definition. Those trapped in countries right of center (like the US) are still fighting for progressivism against oligarchy
That is an incredibly euro-centric POV. Your notion of where the center lies is relative.
Nope. South America begs to differ.
Right now there’s only fascists and those that oppose them. Kicking those opposed to fascism just after they were kicked to the ground by the electorate puts you on which side of things?
If the ones kicked to the ground are the ones that did everything in their hands to give fascists the government, yes, they deserve to be kicked some more.
Hillary vs Bernie? DNC chose Hillary. Joe vs Bernie? DNC chose Joe. 7 months for the election and Biden steps down? DNC chooses Harris “with the power of my finger”. For fuck’s sake! France had 6 weeks to prepare an election and they even had time to arrange coalitions between different parties! And to dig deeper, AOC does everything she can to help Harris and they thank her by trying to kick her out and change her by a guy with cancer.
Were you kicking at them when it was Trump vs. Hilary, Trump vs. Joe, and Trump vs. Kamala?
You’re just rationalizing why you’re constantly attacking anyone that opposes fascist Trump. A lot of wards against the opposition to Trump and zero words against Trump. You’re just Trump’s proxy minion.
I was against Hillary and against Joe because they are too right wing. And the DNC chose the rightmost candidate in the primaries.
And Trump, if it was for me, would have had the same destiny Biff Tannen. After all Biff was based on him.
Fascism is very specifically a right wing ideology. You’re thinking of authoritarianism, which can go both ways. There is no such thing as lefty fascism.
Red fascism has been an accusation that’s been leveled by real socialists at authoritarian socialists for a century. The only problem with the term is that liberals don’t actually know what it means or how important the red part is and start harping on about horseshoes (all while ignoring all the fascism and genocide they themselves support out of convienence)
Yeah there’s some of the rationalization I’m talking about. There’s not a lot of daylight between the politics of the US and China right now. Both have authoritarian leaders that push a narrative about the need for a strongman to run the economy and protect their respective countries from the evil foreigners. Both want to expand their territory. Putin is the same, of course.
Fascism is just a scam to make people accept having an authoritarian leadership. There’s common tropes they use in their propaganda to emotionally manipulate people into supporting it. Glorious past, evil foreigners took things from us, we need a strong man (and it has to be a man because misogyny is a big part of it) to make things right. It’s all bullshit no matter where you put it on your precious spectrum. But it’s bullshit that works. And when it does work all that matters is what you do to oppose it. How you categorize it means jack shit.
“We’re all just cavemen throwing spears at the other village” is not a tremendously helpful or thought-provoking insight, no matter how much truth there is to it.
Government policy is definitely not some illusory construct no matter how poorly the public comprehends or interacts with it.
When someone is throwing a spear at you how much time do you devote to trying to categorize what ideology they’re in?
When fascism enters the picture there’s only three groups of people. Those that support it, those that oppose it, and those that do nothing. Which of these three groups are you in?
So you just watched that spear get thrown at you and then you took time deciding to categorise it as fascism. Now you’re taking a bunch of time explaining that your definition of fascism is a weirdly all-encompassing version of it that fits both left and right and ignores historians and scholars. You have new definitions for other things too that most other people are too brainwashed to understand.
Don’t really practice what you preach, do you?
I’m 14 and this is deep vibes. Do they respect human rights or not
And yet again.
I don’t think you’re as familiar with the meaning of terms as you think. Some people call the NYT left-leaning. They absolutely are not. They are a liberal publication and that has a different meaning.
This is what I meant when I said USA citizens have been corrupted by decades of propaganda. Conservative idiots genuinely believe socialism is about making people eat bugs as opposed to helping people out and doing things for their betterment. And liberals genuinely believe that they are Leftists.
And yet again, you’re obsessed with meaningless categorization that has no basis in reality. You’ve been conditioned into doing this as a way to show loyalty to your particular tribe. It’s just a vain effort to prove you’re tribe is smarter and therefore superior to the other tribes.
The real smart thing to do is to recognize the threat to everyone else one particular tribe has become. And work with everyone else to oppose it. But your caveman brain has become to accustomed towards throwing rocks at a particular tribe you’ll just go on doing it when after they’ve been beaten down to the ground while the real threat gets ready to take you down.
This obsessive need to categorize politics to know who is in your tribe so you know whether to agree with them isn’t actually all that smart.
Tribe, tribe, tribe. Oh look, tribalism. I’m not engaging with you. This is drivel.