Headline undersells how he did this during the 90’s during the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell era. Was not nearly as socially or politically acceptable then as it is now in the US to do that
And he didn’t just protect one kid. The football coach, the manliest man in the entire school, was the faculty sponsor for the Gay Straight Alliance club that welcomed everyone. In the 1990s.
Meanwhile the high school football coach in my high school (2000s) used school funds to buy his team of bigots booze and received a sternly worded "please don’t do that" letter as punishment. Guy was a raging homophobe.
So has he been caught having sexual relations with one of his players yet?
Damn that’s awesome
Seriously. In the late 90s and early aughts it was common to hear teenage boys and young men throwing around words like f_g and using “gay” in a derogatory way. This was common even in liberal areas and among groups that weren’t outwardly homophobic. We have come a long way in a relatively short period of time.
You’re underselling just how homophobic we were back then.
In the 1990 General Social Survey, only 12% said that gay sex wasn’t wrong.
In 1988 (closest year to the 90s the question was asked) only 3% of Americans “Strongly agreed” the gay people should have the right to marry.
Also, in 1992, 19% of non-black respondents believed there should be a law against interracial marriage, which is super disturbing.
Dude, where the fuck did they find this guy? I never heard of him and BAM…dude is saintlier than most of the Catholic Church.
It’s not hard to be saintlier than the catholic church. Just don’t systematically abuse kids and you’re good.
Yea, I guess that bar was on the floor there, wasn’t it?
The bar was on the floor and the catholic church picked up a shovel
They had to lower the bar to Hell since some of their saints are there. For example, Mother Teresa’s down there jilling off to torture porn.
I had never seen the term “jilling off” before, thank you.
Its because he just seriously did his job. And apparently thats super rare in todays america. He did politics and good policy without it being a media circus. He didn’t do it for attention and visibility. No scandals, no media stunts.
This is what politics shoud be. Not that media circus it is in the US with the goal being to have the most headlines and the most press attention not to make good politics.
The US election circus still is so weird to me, watching from Europe. I get a bit of campaigning but this has sports levels of insanity already.
My boss and coworker were fangirling when Trump ‘won’ the debate against biden. I’ve legit seen them do the same thing with sports talk. Nevermind that Trump didn’t actually say anything of substance or truthful during all of that. I just didn’t acknowledge them.
To put this into perspective for all you Americans: In my country at least, we don’t have “rallies” at all. It’s not a thing. We have political debates and news broadcasts regularly where politicians from opposing parties are invited to speak their case, that’s it. Of course, parties also have stands in public places where they give out pamphlets and promote their party, but in those places you’ll likely find stands from a bunch of parties.
The way you do campaigning in the US is absurd to me.
That’s exactly right. People here think of it as sport as well. That’s why we’re stuck in this cycle.
To answer your question. Minnesota. They found him in Minnesota.
He’s been amazing as our governor. Go check out all the things that were passed in the past two years with a one vote majority.
He tried to pass a bill banning corporations from buying or owning single family homes.
I think the right wing shot it down but what an absolute gigachad.
I’m glad I voted for him. Haha. I’ve been happy with my decision.
I saw your reply in my Inbox and hoped it was a reply on a Walz post and not the Ventura one.
Haha, well it’s your lucky day. Walz ftw.
Minnesota strives on effective and non flashy.
There’s actually a lot of great politicians that most people haven’t heard of because they’re too boring for our 24/7 news cycle to care about. Walz has just been quietly being an excellent governor to Minnesota, like how Pritzker is doing a pretty good job as governor of Illinois or how Whitmer is doing a pretty good job as governor of Michigan. There’s not much of a reason to learn about politicians that don’t represent you though, so these kinds of working politicians don’t get much attention.
i think this is just like, legally mandated in the midwest. You just have to be moderately based, at all times.
Yeah, not all of the Midwest; hello from Missouri, home of Hawley, and the RINO hunting ad.
we’ll just retconn those people out, they don’t get to be midwestern.
Maybe “they ain’t from here”
certainly not anymore lol
Lol not in Iowa. It’s right there with Texas and Florida. In some ways even worse.
iowa doesn’t count, it’s slipknot land, that’s one of the two interesting things it’s done in the last century :)
Lmao, what’s the other one? Haha
uh, probably make corn.
I’m being charitable, i’m sure they’ve done something else interesting, but i couldn’t tell you off the top of my head.
The thing that’s amazing is that Walz did these things in the 1990s, when it was still reasonably common to fire teachers for any kind of hint they might be gay. That takes real courage.
I’m a person that regularly forgives people for “sins” committed in a time where what they were doing was considered normal by that time’s standards but regressive by today’s standards.
Honestly, it just feels refreshing to have a guy that’s actually been pushing his ideals ahead of the status-quo and hasn’t shirked from being “too radical”.
Walz singlehandedly unified the Dems in a day with AOC and that scum ass Manchin endorsing him. That’s fucking crazy
Working class policies cross party lines and its why places like Fox spend so much time and money demonizing people like AOC. They saw how easily Bernie was able to talk to republicans and really reach them on both Fox News pannels and on town halls on the campaign trail in 2016. If the Democrats want to pull republicans instead of relying only on higher turnout people like Walz are exactly how you do it.
I’m really just reiterating what you’re saying but workers built this country. Literally! The CEO “sets the Vision” or whatever bullshit, but we all actually accomplish it, daily. If some entitled asshole sells your company and another buys it, not much would change (aside from the benefits you’re probably losing). We, as a country need to take better care of the people that actually do 99.9% of all the work…
I’m not a huge fan of Manchin myself, but at the very least he’s pretty upfront about what his priorities are (even if they’re not good) and hasn’t boarded the crazy train - as opposed to RFK, for example - so it doesn’t really surprise me that he’d rather support a down-to-earth midwestern school teacher with progressive policies over whatever the fuck’s going on in Trump/Vance world
Oh yeah? Well JD Vance protected some living room furniture from dying alone having never experienced the joy of repeated penetration.
Good old Jorkin DePeanus Vance
I think we just call him Vladimir Futon now.
You mean registered sectional offender Vance?
Lmao Republicans and tanking their elections with their VP picks. Name a more iconic duo.
If Sarah Palin gave us Trump, what will JD Vance give us?
Omg I would fucking LOVE IT if he became known as Coach over that Alabama Fuck who held up key military promotions in Congress because the DoD put out guidance saying women seeking abortions in restricted states could take convalescent leave to do so. He wants so badly for everyone to think of him as “Coach”. Fuck yeah Walz, dont let him have that!
Went to highschool in an Alabama school. Football is a religion, and the football coaches were given the respect of preachers. They were also given cushy teaching jobs like health or drivers ed. They were generally not very bright.
The school might be run down and underfunded, but the football field was immaculate with huge bleachers, the locker rooms were nice.
In contrast, I had one coach teacher that taught history. Baseball coach. He taught me to love history. His tests were almost all long answer, didn’t care about dates. He wanted you demonstrate understanding of the causes and results of events. Brilliant man with deep knowledge and love of his subject.
Got tired of the two week long headaches and quit football, switched to cross country even though I wasn’t built for it. Forget the term, but my body type is large muscles and bones.
Had a cross country coach. He didn’t care if you won races or were able to be very competitive. He just expected you to do your best and would push the hell out of you. I saw him take lots of fat little freshman and turned them into lean endurance machines over several years. Don’t remember anyone ever quitting the team. I will always remember him leaning out the window of his 60’s pickup yelling at kids to push through and push harder. He was poor, shitty salary, tires on his truck were bald and leaky, he had screws in them he couldn’t remove cause they would go flat.
Those two men earned the title of Coach in my life.
But Gym Jordan… Oh never mind.
Can’t wait to see this in one of Trump’s ads, framing it as a bad thing.
No need, he already has the homophobic bully vote.
Hasn’t stopped him so far.
As a football coach, Tampon Tim would often get very close with gay students
I apologize in advance if they steal this headline 😬
Another reason for the right to hate him.
When the worst fucking scum in the country hate a guy, he must be doing a lot of shit right :D
Dude seems to have a solid track record embracing the golden rule. I’m into it.