Hm. Maybe I should buy Trump and Musk “We did that.” stickers, and add them to price tags while shopping? After all, they shut down the agencies meant to control bird flu, meat inspection, and so many other things…
This Saturday there were no eggs at Costco again for the 3rd week on a row.
Goddamn this Biden economy! Poor little d was handed such a TERRIBLE economy.
Every Republican says so and they would never lie. So do the maximalist leftists and the enlightened centrists, so it must be true. I’m sure the economy would have been even worse under Kamala. Thank Athena that little d and fElon are working to fix the terrible economy that Biden left them…
Reddit is already fully onboard pushing this dumb fuck narrative, if you were doubting whether they were fully captured or not.
Oh, I totally believe there are plenty of qon bootlickers aching to try to change the subject after little d showed himself to be a complete failure on yet another of his stupid promises.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
It was suppose to be a cautionary tale, not a fucking guide book.
Well and Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy, too.
“I will immediately bring prices down starting on Day 1,” he said on Aug. 15, for example. “Starting the day I take the oath of office, I will rapidly drive prices down,” he promised later that same month.
He backed away from that last month.
This is what Murca needs. More lies and long cons. Murca was lied to, and Krasnov only needed 1/3 of them to fall for it.
MAGA supporter: “iT wAs NeVeR aBoUt tHe PriCe of EgGs. yOu’Re MiSsiNG tHe PoInT.”
They are the egg men.
“Hey, I need you all to calm down. I’m laying these as fast as I can.”
I mean, to be fair… stock prices are rapidly being driven down, so he was kinda right.
Nice! That would make a great cartoon!
Krasnov pledges to bring prices down in panel 1. He has a bunch of MAGA voting for him in panel 2. In panel 3, he slaps tariffs on and off. In panel 4 we see him self-congratulatory while stonks go down brrrrrr.
I mean, price of eggs is way down …. Humor can’t match reality
This is funny af. Thanks.
It’s so incredible that everything was bidens fault day one of his presidency, but with Trump it’s the fault of the previous administration, and no body brings up this double standard at all. What a double standard.
Also, we all know that Trump can’t lower the price of eggs himself, just like biden couldn’t lower gas prices by himself. The fact that Trump and his ilk RAN on lowering grocery prices, especially eggs, is why we’re still talking about it and why a lot of Americans are upset. Now the right are calling us idiots and whiners for still talking about eggs while they are still going up, while the last 4 years nobody on that side could shut up about gas prices.
They put those ‘biden did this’ stickers on pumps until the final moments of his administration, I say we do the same to eggs.
We handed the country over to a dictator because of eggs. The least he could do to say thank you is lower their prices.
just goes to show you that he doesn’t give two shot about anyone but himself, and SOMETIMES his family…. 1/3rd of america voted for this, because they wanted to be able to discriminate again.
All we needed was that one shot…
Yeah, you hear that, PEASANTS? Shut the fuck up about the prices of things, and TAKE IT. Show some goddamn respect for your BETTERS.
Billionaires need some peace and quiet while they divvy up the country’s spoils amongst each other. Spoils from YOUR hard labor, by the way.
I believe the traditional response to “the peasants have no eggs” would be, “let them eat cake!”
You need eggs to make cake
Have they tried substituting smaller cakes for the eggs?
Yes, but it turns out those smaller cakes need smaller eggs.
Pheasant eggs aren’t any cheaper.
Go through the cycle a few times and maybe they can use insect eggs? Peasants have plenty of insects, right?
Peasants do have each other, yes. They keep to themselves, as God intended.
Gilead decrees all women of breeding age surrender their ova immediately.
It’s eggs all the way down.
That was the “joke” from the first time around. The French version uses brioche which is just even more fancy bread.
Maybe a parallel would be “the peasants have no eggs!” -> “let them eat omelettes!”
Let them eat quiche
Ew, gluten free cake
Why aren’t you wearing a suit to go grocery shopping? Show some respect!
Have you instructed your servant to search more thoroughly?
It can’t be that bad. What does one egg cost? Ten dollars? That’s nothing.
Someone needs to update this for eggs…
Whoa, whoa, whoa! There’s still plenty of albumen on those eggshells! You take 'em home, throw 'em in a pot, add some broth, a potato…
Hopefully that ↑.
But I suspect most will be like ↓
HAHAHAA. Perfect reference. 🤣
Have you said thank you once?
Somehow, democrats’ messaging from September made it into this thread.
Uh-huh. 🙄
We need some trump did this stickers to match the biden ones.
He should be sieg-heiling instead of pointing. It’s amazing how many people out there don’t realize he’s a full on fucking nazi.
“The prices need to be this high!” /insert picture of sieg heil/
Petah says, “Unlike a carnival ride, ‘this high’ is literally over one’s head. As in, we’re in over our heads.”
I think the businesses should start putting them up. In the cases of things affected by his stupid tariffs, it will actually be true in this case.
I agree completely. But no one with a business seems to want their wrath.
Gladly, I would love to post those all over my stores.
Fucking LOL. He ran on egg prices. “Shut the fuck up about eggs.”
High egg prices are doubleplusgood.
In the end, the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it.
Eggs have always cost this much. Under Biden, they cost more. All hail Big trumper for lowering egg prices! /s
Elon is triggered… so talk more about eggs. Publish and share more egg recipes and recommend more dishes with eggs in them.
Friendship with eggs is no more.
Now he’s a friend with a spiraling hyperinflation.
Just go eat a cat or possibly dog.
I think you’re only allowed to do that if you’re an immigrant. If you’re an American, you’re legally obliged to uncritically consume absolute nonsense propaganda and be super racist towards said immigrants.
Fox News was pushing that Americans should get chickens so they can get their own eggs.
Fox is in our henhouse?
Also, Fox supports coops.
Note: the “p” is silent.
All of the Facebook groups I’m in for keeping backyard chickens are infested with conspiracy loons. They think the bird flu isn’t real, and that the culls are a ploy to get us to eat fake meat.
So we probably are going to have an outbreak - the same fuckers who refused to wear masks sure as hell aren’t going to safely handle sick chickens. Time to invest in ivermectin stock I guess.
*Fox State Media.
Please don’t compare that cum stained dishrag with the likes of PBS, BBC and NRK.
How is that gonna work when so many properties are under the thumb of HOAs.
Or apartments?
Why would do you want to get your apartments involved? The chickens are for you, not for your tenants. Just build the coop at your mansion’s backyard.
Sounds like a good way to spread avian flu, though I guess Fox News probably doesn’t care about that.
Also there was an article I saw that ran the numbers, and it would take way too many chickens plus selling some of the eggs for that to break even for most families.
My neighbors regularly lose chickens to coyotes…
Have they considered building a wall?
It sounds like we have to deport those coyotes back to where they came from.
raccoons eat more of them.
Raccoons will brutalize them. Lost both of my chickens to a raccoon the size of a damn dog.
Fox wants people to have chickens. Nothing suspicious about this surely
How long until they have Americans smelting iron in their back yards?
Imagine campaigning on ‘immediate relief’ and then reposting an article that screams ‘suck it up.’ Iconic failure. Missed opportunities to explore potential solutions or broader economic implications.
The high price of eggs is in no way President Trump’s fault
To be fair - that is true. It’s not like he infected all the birds.
However, if you’re the president that just slapped a bunch of tariffs on neighboring countries … optics looking kinda bad ngl.
He did fire a bunch of the people in public health who were trying to make policies to prevent the birds being infected.
Just like how we have routine food recalls because he shuttered lots of food regulation during his first term. Wonder how much Boar’s Head has donated to the Republican Party….
Not entirely true, as H5N1 isnt working to do this on its own. He’s made nondocumented workes feel unsafe so it’s hard for them to work. Specifically in the low wage work one finds on a farm, especially if the work is in a red state. Look at Kentucky, for example.
Ah, ye that makes sense. Kinda forgot about that aswell. Thanks for pointing it out!
I’m actually smart enough to understand this. But they blamed Biden for shit that he had no control over so I’m going to be spiteful and blame everything bad on Trump.
This blame game goes two ways Republicans. See you at the midterms.
“Gas is too high! Why doesn’t the President just pull the lever to make them not high?!”
Biden releases strategic reserves to lower prices.
“Ye-- Ye-- Well, the price of eggs is too fucking high. Pull that lever! I dare you!”
Hm, we don’t have a strategic egg supply to make simple people happy. This will be a challenge…
Trump claims he’ll lower it by getting elected. How? Who the fuck knows and no one cares.
“Why aren’t the prices lower yet?!”
Well, gosh, it couldn’t have to do with a complex system where there aren’t magic levers one just pulls to make things happen… Guess it’s Trump’s fault. What’s good for the goose (Biden) is good for the gander (Trump), after all.
Eggs are 4x regular price. Chicken (meat) has barely moved. There’s no lack of stock, on a perishable product and the prices are incredibly high.
Greed made that price.
This is also going to start some knees to jerking, but he’s also technically correct that inflation specifically hasn’t been that bad, if you actually look at inflation rates it’s not particularly worse than what we’ve had in other decades, the 90’s which we associate with a bountiful economy had higher inflation rates for a longer period of time.
What’s making all of this untenable is companies doing everything they can to avoid paying livable wages and most of all price gouging. Which they’re doing with eggs for good reason, but we also have to understand that anything that uses poultry is also going to take a hit, and then, like magic, a variety of other companies and services use these specific gouges as a justification to raise their own prices beyond inflation levels, even if they sell things that have never touched a chicken, like fucking mortgages and medical care.
We used to have bureaus and departments to keep this kind of thing in check. You can argue their effectiveness but at least we had them.
I voted for Trump because he Promised to LOWER Egg Prices and I STILL support Trump after he told me to SHUT UP and ACCEPT these Super High Egg Prices! I think for MYSELF!
I really could not stop laughing from earlier today (I think it was the Young Turks podcast I was listening to) when I heard them play some crazy bullshit from the State Media Television and someone was talking, in the context of little d destroying our economy with tariffs, about how this will be just more of “Biden’s economy” if things get painful due to what little d is doing to us.
I mean, seriously. I guess Biden made little d play his tariff game? But I’m sure there are a non-zero amount of redcaps that watch that shit and nod their heads to it.
The only reason the redcaps nod their head in response to information is to make sure the air doesn’t escape through the ears
The Americans need to learn from the French where one egg is un oeuf.
Great pun, love.
Trump prends oeuf. ou est ouef?
I see what you did there.