Hard to imagine anything much weirder than wanting to present oneself as racist in front of an African-American journalists association. Pretty much guaranteed to get a hostile reception when you do that.
Two races? In one person?!
Wut what whaaaaa?!
Wait until they learn about Taco Bell Pizza Huts
Your comment made me lol out loud.
They’re both quoting John Stewart
I believe that is “lolol”
Remember when Italians were a boogyman race?
Racists today are just lazy, relying on skin color to discriminate. Back in the day the Irish weren’t “white”. The IRISH!
Even better, KenTacoHuts.
Man, that’s the only part I miss from being in the military. That shit was everywhere, and it came in clutch towards the end of the month.
A&W Root Beer and Long John Silvers!
Mass hysteria!
I live near a Taco Bell/KFC.
Bless Jon Stewart.
sorry, but I see what what whaaaat and I can only think of Halo enemies and their delightful banter.
Grunts were great. I still get amused at the reaction to a plasma grenade stuck to them. “Not again!”
Reminds me of the conspiracy theory Time Cube.
The guy who thought or Time Cube, evidently unhinged, attended a university to defend his claim.
After saying something racist, a person in the crowd claimed they were biracial.
“You’re WHAT?!”
Apparently the concept of people from different ethic backgrounds creating children is a nonstarter for some…
Ending the state bans on miscegenation had consequences.
Trump: “A Black job is anybody that has a job,” Trump said. “That’s what it is. Anybody that has a job.”
And Biden didn’t make sense?
He’s trying to deal with his own previous statement, which implied that Blacks can only aspire to holding some kinds of jobs.
I’m familiar with him saying that before. I was surprised he hadn’t come up with an answer to the “what are black jobs” question since it has been all over the media in response to his prior claim. But I guess he’s too lazy or stupid to think ahead like that.
My comment was more directed at his nonsensical answer. First, if a black job is any job, then why specify it? Second, how can the answer to “what is a black job” be that it is a person?
Trump isn’t used to fact checking, or people having valid clarification questions. His whole thing is being loud and repeating talking points so people agree with him.